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A compact and versatile kit for wireless power supply

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Aladyn System Ph1 (A compact and versatile kit for wireless power supply)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2018-12-01 al 2019-05-31

Most of our electrical devices have AC power cords. “Here a cord, there a cord….” This is one of the downfalls of electricity. While it can make people's lives easier, it can add a lot of clutter in the process. Unless you are particularly organized and even so, you probably have a few dusty cables tangled around your home. This is undoubtedly, the first idea that comes to one’s mind when thinking on the need for a cordless world, but it is not the only one. Besides the aesthetic impact and the obvious comfort of living in a wireless environment, power lines pose significant financial, environmental and access challenges. The cost of installing overhead power lines is around €6m per kilometre and for underground cables this rises to nearer €30m per kilometre2. There is also the cost of copper (conductive metal used in cables), which will not see its price reduced due to the increasing demand. Then, we must consider the environmental impact. So far, our access to copper and other conductors has been relatively unimpeded, but not without effects on the environment. As population increases, the energy demand keeps raising and so the demand on these natural resources, which challenges the international efforts to reduce our global environmental footprint. Finally, there are specific situations like terraces, sub-aquatic installations, gardens or wireless sensors (e.g. environmental, security), where an electrical wiring can be costly and difficult to install and maintain, or it just don’t match the atmosphere of a particular scenery. For example, the installation of electric wires for underwater speakers and LEDs in a swimming pool represent between 20 to 50% of the installation costs, i.e. 750-1,500 €, and the maintenance of a wire installation costs 300-500 €3. We can conclude that wireless power transmission is a real need and a huge business opportunity. This is not just due to its contribution to a more comfortable living, but because it will also contribute to reduce costs of electricity and to a more sustainable planet.

Aladyn System: the first real step towards a world without cables
Aladyn is the first cost-affordable (90-150 €), safe and compact power source based on magnetic-resonant coupling, easy to install (plug & play) and modular, providing the system of a great versatility (see picture on the right). It consists in two elements: (i) A transmitter, which is a round copper piece of 50 cm of diameter that can power up 10 devices simultaneously; and (ii) A Receiver which can be either a model of Aladyn HP (High Power), Aladyn MP (Middle Power), Aladyn LP (Low Power) or a tailored integrated receiver. Aladyn can power small devices like phones, or electrical appliances such as TVs of up to 500 W. It can offer an efficiency of 87%, in different media (air, solid and liquid), without using cables or batteries. Aladyn transfers electrical energy into a high frequency alternating signal of near 0.5 MHz which is safe and compatible with another devices’ frequency (wireless network or mobile phone lie between 2-2.5 GHz). Considering its price, operability range and efficiency, Aladyn appears in the market, as the first viable solution for wireless domestic, commercial and industrial environments, as it will allow to have a common charging source to feed all our devices (phones, TV, etc.). Thus, Aladyn can revolutionize our current concept of electric supply.

The overall objectives of the SME Instrument project can be divided in three categories:
-To design a miniaturized device for its application in small devices like smartphones or laptops.
-To identify the regulations required to achieve all the security standards for Aladyn’s commercialization.
-To define a technical roadmap including a risk analysis to reach TRL 9.
-To evaluate the development of an app for Aladyn

-To perform an in-depth market analysis of wireless power transmission sector.
-To define a market strategy for the commercialization of Aladyn for the next 3 years, including a business model.
-To develop an IP strategy to ensure the right protection of our technology through granted patents

-To elaborate an in-depth financial feasibility study evaluating the total investment and capabilities requirements.
-To outline the financial projections, based revenues and costs considering three different scenarios.
Technical work:
- A prototype of the miniaturized device has been developed and is being tested.
- The regulations required to achieve all the security standards for Aladyn’s commercialization have been identified and the proper measures to satisfy them are being evaluated.
- The technocal roadmap is being updated according on the results of the tests performed and security standards identified.

Commercial work:
- An in-depth market analysis of wireless power transmission sector has been performed by identifying the main actors, their technoligy and its viability, and by identifying Aladyn's strenghts to focus on those applications where our thechonology outstands that of the competitors.
- A market strategy for the commercialization of Aladyn and a business model are being defined.
- Proper meassures are taking place with specialized institutions in order to further develop the IP strategy.
-Strategical parters are being sought.

Financial Work:
-The financial projections in three different scenarios have been outlined as a baseline for the commercialization roadmap.
-The business plan for the first 3 years is being updated according to the commercial, financial and technical work being performed.
-The Aladyn team has found small investors and partnerships and has uptaded accordingly its financial projections.
-The investemnt needs required have been defined according to the current state of the roadmap, therefore, these needs are expected to be updated through the following months.
Progress beyond State of the Art:
Aladyn is the first cost-affordable solution based on electromagnetic resonance to be launched to the mass market for wireless power transmission. Our system is a long-distance transmitter-receiver kit, modular and versatile, allowing the installation of multiple transmitters and receivers in any location. It works at a frequency of around 0.5 MHz, large enough to guarantee there is no magnetic incompatibility and small enough to ensure larger efficiency (up to 87%), due to magnetic hysteresis. Our solution is projected for three types of devices: (i) Aladyn HP to supply LED TVs or house devices like Desk Computers, (ii) Aladyn MP to power equipment like drones, lights, tablets or laptops and (iii) Aladyn LP for sensors and other smaller devices (smartphones, wearable devices like smartwatches). The kit is plug & play, so it’s only necessary to plug the transmitter which is powered by an integrated 48V AC/DC charger. Then, each transmitter can power multiple receivers.

Technically speaking, an inverter circuit based on two MOSFET transistors forms the transmitter module, transforms the direct current into high frequency alternating current. This in turn is converted into a magnetic flux through an emitter coil connected to the transmitter. When the magnetic flux of the emitter coil reaches the receiver coil, one or more receiver modules generates an electric voltage which is then rectified by a complete wave rectifier bridge circuit. Finally, by means of an elevator-reduction circuit, a constant DC voltage is generated, independent of the distance between the emitter coil and receiver coil.

Expected results:
Aladyn is addressed to the consumers market (B2C) to whom we will commercialize our product through the website and physical electronic shops like for instance Media Markt. On the other hand, we will most likely employ direct sales within the lighting sector (B2B) by sales representatives and by attendance to industry specific trade fairs. Finally, we consider as potential customers other companies, whose activity is not related directly with lighting sector but light supply as part of their activity, such as sensors manufacturers or builders. These other companies will be also targeted by sales representatives in face-to-face meetings and in industry events. In fact, some of these potential customers of the B2B segment have been already targeted and their feedback towards Aladyn is quite encouraging. Letters of support are included in section 5 from Ignia Ligth, Nexia and Fluidra. Scaling-up Aladyn: Our plan to reach European and Global Market

Our current business plan, to be further optimized through Phase 1, includes the development of a production factory in the EU territory (Spain) once the technology has reached TRL 9. Its production capacity is expected to cover the European market demand first and, depending on the demand, the possibility to scale-up capacity and build new factories or even licensing the technology will be studied. Regarding the expected time to market, we estimate to deploy Aladyn to the market by 2020, selling 17,000 units per year. Electric components manufacturers Suppliers & Partners Clients Through the development and showcase of the prototypes we have developed a network of contacts within the electric components industry which will contribute to maximize impact and dissemination actions. We are in touch with companies with a strong interest in the technology (see attachments) which will provide us support to guarantee supply of required electrical components for mass production. B2C: Addressed though stores (Amazon, Media Market, Ali, Fnac…) B2B: Addressed directly by our in-place sales team through products or licenses.
A compact and versatile kit for long range wireless power supply

The market launch will be done in Europe, as the highest market potential region worldwide for this type of technology and as our most accessible market being based on an EU country. Then, based on the feedback from our domestic market and a more deeply market analysis, we will start selling our solution in South America and the US. However, as part of this Phase 1 project, we will carefully analyze the market we seek entering, the key stakeholders we must engage in our road to the market and based on it, we will outline a complete commercialization strategy and improve our plan for international expansion. The Aladyn project in our business strategy

We have committed team with expertise on the technology, StartUps, marketing/sales and Business administration (MBA). Our company was founded upon the Aladyn System concept and since the company foundation, our team has devoted all our efforts and funds in the development of the technology and its improvement towards the TRL7 system we have today. Therefore, Aladyn project is fundamental for the implementation of our company´s strategy in the short and mid-terms and as such the team is fully committed to the project and the success of the company.

End users of Aladyn, their needs & our unique selling points
We must explain that Aladyn System is currently the best wireless charging alternative owing to its efficiency and costs, but it is not suitable for all possible applications or at least not yet. Aladyn system is currently optimized to feed micro sensors, LED lamps, consumer electronics like smartphones (Aladyn LP), tablets, laptops (Aladyn MP) or TVs (Aladyn HP), while yet the technology finds limitations for its use in more demanding energy applications (e.g. industrial tools like drill machinery, circular saw, concrete mixers, or electing vehicle charge.). Considering this and although future further improvements are possible for its adaptation to provide electricity for more demanding uses and the direct integration of the receptor in electrical equipment, we will focus our immediate efforts in introducing Aladyn in the market for those applications where it performs optimally.

Gladly, the current potential applications for Aladyn include consumer electronics and some industrial sectors, which are the one that dominate the market today and that will continue dominating over the next years.
Having explained this, it is easier to understand that the most immediate end users for Aladyn will be particulars (B2C) and some companies of industrial sector (B2B) and more particularly, sensor companies, lighting companies, construction companies, etc.
Transmitter and Receiver Integrated
Transmitter and Receiver