CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

High temperature superconductivity and the Catch-22 conundrum


Aufklärung des Rätsels der Cuprat-Hochtemperatursupraleiter

Die Entdeckung der Eigenschaften von Hochtemperatursupraleitern in Cupraten hat zu einem beeindruckenden Ausbruch kreativer und innovativer Forschungsbemühungen geführt. Cuprat-Hochtemperatursupraleiter sind die stärksten aktuell verfügbaren Magneten. Seit diese im 20. Jahrhundert entdeckt wurden, wurden sie in groß angelegten Anwendungen wie dem großen Hadron-Speicherring eingesetzt. Allerdings sind ihre zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen immer noch eines der größten Rätsel der Physik. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt CATCH-22 wird neue Erkenntnisse liefern, indem es die nicht-Fermi-Flüssigkeitsphase untersucht, um den Elektronenpaarungsmechanismus in bestimmten Supraleitern zu erklären, der zu inkohärenten Paaren führt. Die Ergebnisse werden ein schlüssiges phänomenologisches Modell für Cuprat-Hochtemperatursupraleiter liefern.


CATCH-22 sets out to resolve the mystery of the cuprate high temperature superconductors. Hailed as one of the major discoveries of the 20th Century, its central mysteries – the pairing mechanism, the origin of the ‘pseudogap’ and the nature of the ‘strange metal’ phase, have remained elusive for over 30 years. Typically, what scatters electrons also binds them into pairs, and in the cuprates, the strong pairing interaction manifests itself in the strange metal phase as intense scattering, so strong in fact that it drives the electronic states required for pairing incoherent. In other words, what first promotes high temperature superconductivity ultimately destroys it! This logical paradox is the Catch-22 conundrum.

CATCH-22, the program, comprises three parts. Part 1 will explore the fate of electronic states within the strange metal phase by studying how the metallic response diminishes across universal bounds, both as a function of temperature and interaction strength, through momentum-averaged electrical conductivity and thermal diffusivity studies and momentum-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Part 2 will seek to access the ground state of optimally doped cuprates for the first time, by applying intense current and laser pulses to ultra-thin samples in a high magnetic field. The latter, if successful, will open up a new frontier in which intense THz light and intense magnetic fields combine to access the terra incognita of hidden phases. Finally, Part 3 will explore the origins of the strange metal at the edge of the superconducting dome and search for manifestations of incoherence in other strange metals in an attempt to unify the governing principles. Given that the central mysteries are intertwined – the strange metal is a precursor to the pseudogap which in turn leads to superconductivity - CATCH-22 will aim to bring significant new insight into all three and pave the way, finally, for a coherent phenomenological model for cuprate superconductivity.


ERC-ADG - Advanced Grant

Gastgebende Einrichtung

€ 1 631 955,00
BS8 1QU Bristol
Vereinigtes Königreich

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South West (England) Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Bristol/Bath area Bristol, City of
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 1 631 955,00

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