CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Launching the First Non-Invasive Point of Care Diagnostic Test for Traumatic Brain Injury


Ein biochemischer Test zur Diagnose von Schädel-Hirn-Traumata

In der Notaufnahme erfolgt die Diagnose bei Verdacht auf Schädel-Hirn-Traumata (SHT) in der Regel anhand einer Kombination aus CT- und MRT-Scans sowie einer neurologischen Beurteilung. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt Medicortex hat eine alternative Methode zur Diagnose von SHT entwickelt, die schnell, einfach anwendbar und ambulant durchführbar ist, sodass die Ergebnisse sofort zur Verfügung stehen. Der Test basiert auf SHT-spezifischen Biomarkern, die in Speichel- und Urinproben bestimmt werden können und birgt ein beachtliches Potenzial, um das klinische Ergebnis für mehrere Millionen SHT-Betroffene weltweit zu verbessern.


Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is the leading cause of central nervous system impairment, over traumatic spinal cord injury. Mild and moderate TBI cases represent more than 90% of TBI injuries but are unfortunately the most difficult to accurately diagnose. Currently, standard TBI diagnostic tools are based on CT scans, MRI scans or cognitive evaluations which are not always sufficient accurate to correctly diagnose mild and moderate cases, putting the patient at risks (long-term consequences of untreated TBI include headache, dizziness, irritability, anxiety and depression).
Medicortex is an innovative point of care test based on novel glycan-based biomarkers. The Medicortex diagnostic kit is a cost-efficient, quick and reliable test based on specific biomarkers for the identification of TBI in both saliva and urine samples. We have protected the innovation with several patents.
Many biomarkers have been suggested for TBI but none has resulted in an approved test. We have already proven that our biomarker is strongly correlated with TBI, allowing us to address a TBI point of care (POC) diagnostics market that will exceed €2 billion annually.
We will sell the Medicortex TBI tests and envision a price to distributors of €25. We expect distributors to charge €50 to healthcare providers and make a margin of 50%. This will reduce the TBI diagnostics cost by a factor of 10-25x for healthcare systems as a single test can be charged to the patient for less than €100 instead of €1,000 for a CT scan or €2,500 for an MRI scan. Two distributors have confirmed they interest in a letter.
Our Founder Dr. Harel has many years of experience in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry. Our Medical Director Dr. Mårten Kvist is active in academia and our Head of R&D Dr. Lasse Välimaa has a track record in R&D of bioanalytical methods and medical diagnostics.

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