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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Testing the Chinese Development Model under the Capabilities Approach: The Effects of Preferential Policies and Special Economic Zones on Inequality and Social Justice

Description du projet

Un examen plus détaillé du modèle de développement de la Chine

Passant d’une économie axée sur la demande extérieure à une économie axée sur la demande intérieure, l’économie chinoise est en pleine croissance. La deuxième plus grande économie au monde passe d’une consommation de subsistance à une consommation de qualité et d’un importateur net de capital à un exportateur net de capital. Le projet CHINEQUALJUSTICE financé par l’UE analysera les groupes de population en Chine qui prospèrent et ceux qui risquent de ne jamais sortir de la pauvreté. Il utilisera également «l’approche des capacités» pour analyser les droits et la justice sociale. Les résultats de ces recherches aideront les entreprises européennes et internationales à mieux cibler les industries et les consommateurs chinois et aideront les universitaires à développer un cadre théorique basé sur l’expérience de développement préférentielle et expérimentale chinoise.


The People's Republic of China (PRC) gradually transitions from an export-led and investment-driven economy towards a service-led and consumption-driven economy. These upcoming reforms will affect firms that rely on Chinese goods and services, but also create new opportunities to sell goods and services to the emerging Chinese consumer market. Given the use of experimental and preferential policy treatments by the PRC over the last four decades to promote economic development, different sectors of the Chinese population and economy will have different capabilities and (dis)-advantages in the forthcoming transitions. This project will identify which population groups are heading towards prosperity and which are at greatest risk of remaining in poverty and development traps. While previous research have identified links between preferential policies and inequality, this research extends the existing studies by applying the Capabilities Approach, examining rights and social justice, which will help create a more prosperous consumer market. The varying levels of inequality, human capital, rights and social justice for the Chinese consumer market will be analyzed through club convergence and partial (meta) rankings methodologies from 1985 onwards. A development-capabilities index for different sectors of the Chinese population and economy will be developed to indicate policy makers, domestic and foreign firms, the public, and academics what the current state and potentials for the next market reforms will be. The results will be enable European, and international, firms to better target Chinese consumers and industries, and help academics develop a theoretical framework based on the Chinese preferential and experimental development experience.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 172 932,48
08017 Barcelona

Voir sur la carte

Este Cataluña Barcelona
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 172 932,48