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Decrypting Mycobacterium cytochrome P450 (CYP) physiological functions by testing hypotheses emitted form large-scale comparative genomics analysis

Description du projet

Nouvelles cibles moléculaires contre les mycobactéries

La résistance aux antimicrobiens augmente dans la prévalence affectant diverses bactéries, y compris . En profondeur, cela nécessite le développement de nouveaux médicaments efficaces. Le projet deCrYPtion, financé par l’UE, propose de cibler la famille de protéines du cytochrome P450 (CYP) comme stratégie de traitement. L’objectif principal est de fournir des informations physiologiques sur un certain nombre de CYP qui n’ont pas encore été caractérisés fonctionnellement. Les chercheurs analyseront les CYP codés par les espèces de Mycobacterium et lieront leur fonction à des voies biologiques spécifiques. Les résultats de deCrYPtion conduiront à l’identification de nouvelles cibles médicamenteuses contre le genre Mycobacterium.


More than 190 species belong to the Mycobacterium genus. Among those, several are pathogenic to human and animals. The high number of human lives lost and the economic consequences of livestock infection are important incentives in the control and eradication of the responsible organisms. M. tuberculosis, one of the causative agents of tuberculosis (TB), is the most problematic representative: in 2016, 1.7 million deaths worldwide have been attributed to TB. Like for other infectious organisms, antibiotic resistances have appeared in Mycobacterium. Thus, there is a fundamental need to develop new antimycobacterial drugs. The inhibition of enzymes belonging to the Cytochrome P450 (CYP) protein family has been shown to suppresses the growth of several Mycobacterium species, making CYPs targets for drug development. Unfortunately, most CYPs are considered orphan: proteins for which no physiological function is known. The deCrYPtion action aims to define the physiological function of a selected set of mycobacterial CYPs. It will prove determinant in the development of new antibiotics. I will perform a large-scale comparative genomics analysis of the CYPs encoded by Mycobacterium species, in order to define orthologous groups and identify, for each, conserved partners and pathway context. This approach is extremely powerful (even if not frequently used) and allow to propose physiological functions, based on the information obtained. Specific CYPs to be characterized will be selected based on a set of stringent considerations, including their potential as drug targets. A preliminary analysis illustrates the approach that will be used. A combination of complementary biochemical, genetics and physiological experiments will be performed to validate the hypotheses generated. deCrYPtion will be undertaken within the Centre for Cytochrome P450 Biodiversity, under the supervision of Prof Steven Kelly, at Swansea University (Wales, United Kingdom).


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 212 933,76
SA2 8PP Swansea

Voir sur la carte

Wales West Wales and The Valleys Swansea
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 212 933,76