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PERovskIte Coherent Light Sources

Descripción del proyecto

Los materiales híbridos de perovskita podrían permitir láseres con longitud de onda ajustable

El objetivo del proyecto PERICLeS, financiado por las Acciones Marie Skłodowska-Curie, es desarrollar un láser semiconductor a partir de perovskitas híbridas orgánica-inorgánicas. El nuevo láser, con una elevada capacidad de ajuste de la longitud de onda y un bajo umbral de láser, constituirá un gran avance en el campo y tendrá un gran impacto en las aplicaciones de comunicaciones, detección, medicina y equipos de consumo. Las actividades del proyecto incluirán la síntesis de perovskitas multidimensionales, que son flexibles y procesadas en disolución, y que tienen un alto rendimiento cuántico y buenas propiedades de transporte de carga. Los nuevos materiales diseñados se integrarán en cavidades láser para confinar el campo electromagnético y lograr factores Q altos con un excelente control sobre las características espaciales y espectrales del rayo láser.


PERICLeS target is to develop a new technology in the field of optoelectronics by taking advantage of the exceptional optical and electronic properties of hybrid perovskite semiconductors. The ultimate achievement will be the demonstration of a proof-of-concept solution processed, solid state perovskite-based electrically injected laser with high spectral tunability and low lasing threshold; such device goes beyond the state of the art of the current technologies and will represent a breakthrough in the field, with major impact in communications, sensing, medicine and consumer equipment. The project will start from the design and synthesis of suitable multidimensional perovskites to combine in a single material solution processability, flexibility, high luminescence quantum yield and good charge transport properties. The newly engineered materials will be integrated in laser cavities to confine the electromagnetic field and obtain high Q-factors with excellent control over the spatial and spectral characteristics of the laser beam. Electrically pumped lasing will be achieved through the implementation of the perovskite/resonator system in electroluminescent devices with low fabrication cost and highly compatible with the existing technologies. Beyond the main target, the project will proceed through the realization of intermediate, high impact targets which include the synthesis of new hybrid perovskites with excellent optoelectronic properties, their advanced photophysical characterization and the fabrication of high-efficiency light emitting diodes and transistors. This multidisciplinary project will be carried out at the Italian Institute of Technology (Milan) under the supervision of Dr. Annamaria Petrozza and complemented with a secondment in the nanofabrication facilities at AMO (Aachen).


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 183 473,28
16163 Genova

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Nord-Ovest Liguria Genova
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 183 473,28