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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Checkpoints in the bacterial cell cycle: role of the cytokinetic Z-ring and implications for antibiotic resistance


Bakterien dort treffen, wo es ihnen wehtut

Staphylococcus aureus ist ein häufig vorkommendes Bakterium, das durchaus auch auf Ihrer Haut oder in Ihrer Nase leben könnte und dort keinen Schaden anrichtet. Diese Bakterien können jedoch zur tödlichen Gefahr werden, wenn sie in die Blutbahn, die Gelenke, die Knochen, die Lunge oder das Herz gelangen. Staphylokokkeninfektionen verursachen Lebensmittelvergiftungen, Sepsis, toxisches Schocksyndrom und sogar septische Arthritis. Da Staphylococcus aureus regelrecht berühmt für seine Fähigkeit ist, Resistenzen gegenüber Antibiotika entwickeln zu können, stellt er ein exzellentes Modellsystem zur Aufklärung der Mechanismen der Antibiotikatoleranz dar. Bei CheckBacZ werden Hightech-Methoden genutzt, um die verschiedenen Phasen im Zellzyklus dieser Bakterien zu bewerten und Möglichkeiten zu finden, sie durch Arzneimittel anzugreifen.


The occurrence of multiple-drug resistant bacteria constitutes an important threat to healthy lives, signifying the importance of alternative strategies to combat bacterial infections. This research project bears the potential to significantly contribute to overcome antibiotic resistances that occur during the treatment of bacterial infections, as it combines the studies of cell division, cell cycle regulation and antibiotic resistance in the clinically relevant model Staphylococcus aureus. Given that the tubulin homologue FtsZ is essential for cell division and serves as an antibiotic resistance determinant in this organism, the proposed research activity focuses on the cytokinetic Z-ring, more precisely its role in driving the staphylococcal cell cycle. Super-resolution microscopy will be used to determine if FtsZ treadmilling controls the rate of cytokinesis and if it organizes the peptidoglycan synthesis proteins during cell division, aiming to provide evidence for a FtsZ-dependent checkpoint in the cell cycle. Profiting from a mutant screen currently ongoing in the host laboratory, mutants impaired in the timing of septum formation will be identified to study the functional integration of corresponding genes into FtsZ-driven septum synthesis. In view of the fact that bacteria at different stages of the cell cycle are phenotypically distinct, microfluidics will be used to test if the degree of antibiotic tolerance varies during the cell cycle, which would enforce the vision for re-sensitizing resistant bacteria by manipulating their cell cycle.
The strong expertise and the availability of cutting-edge techniques in the host group together with my professional experience will generate an ideal synergy within this work programme. I will generate valuable scientific knowledge, acquire transferrable skills and create new collaborations in the international bacterial cell biology community, thus paving the way for establishing myself as an independent researcher.


€ 147 815,04
1099 085 Lisboa

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Continente Área Metropolitana de Lisboa Área Metropolitana de Lisboa
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€ 147 815,04