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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Punishment as Communication: Transgressors’ Interpretation and Understanding of Punishment

Descripción del proyecto

Verificación de la teoría comunicativa del castigo

El objetivo fundamental del castigo es comunicar a los infractores la condena de sus acciones. Los padres castigan a sus hijos cuando estos se comportan mal, mientras que los tribunales envían a prisión a los delincuentes condenados. El castigo no funcionará si los transgresores no tienen en cuenta o no comprenden el mensaje que se ha querido transmitir. El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos PUNISH investigará los tipos de mensajes que reciben los transgresores a través del castigo (por qué creen que están siendo castigados) y cómo reaccionan ante él. Por ejemplo, se evaluará si sienten remordimientos o si se sienten maltratados. Asimismo, creará un marco teórico (filosofía jurídica, psicología social y economía conductual) y evaluará hipótesis en estudios experimentales controlados en el laboratorio y en un entorno judicial.


Punishment is ubiquitous. We discipline children when they misbehave, and we demand even harsher sanctions for criminal offences. Punishment is thought to serve a communicative purpose: Through punishment, victims and third parties seek to send various “messages” to transgressors (e.g. condemning the wrongness of the act and imploring them to reform). But are these messages effectively delivered and understood by transgressors? And does the interpretation of a punitive message have the desired effects on the transgressor?

To answer these questions, this research examines (a) the types of messages transgressors receive through punishment (why they think they are being punished), and (b) transgressors’ reactions to them (e.g. perceived fairness, experienced remorse). Further, it explores (c) the features of a punitive message that influences how the message is interpreted by transgressors. The research will be built on a theoretical framework that integrates knowledge from three distinct fields: legal philosophy, social psychology, and behavioural economics. The specific hypotheses deducted from this framework will be tested in controlled experimental lab studies as well as in a court setting.

The insights from this research will be informative to all disciplines interested in criminal justice and punishment. First, this research will develop our theoretical understanding of punitive procedures and their effects. Second, it has important implications for how we should deliver punishment to enhance justice outcomes, whether in the context of formal legal proceedings or informal sanctions.

The quality of the research will be strengthened by access to exceptional research facilities and expertise at the host university, and interdisciplinary collaboration with scholars both within the university and beyond. Further, the expertise and methodological training acquired through the fellowship will significantly develop the researcher’s capacities and profile.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 87 403,20

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Bayern Oberbayern München, Kreisfreie Stadt
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 87 403,20