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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Functional Agricultural Biodiversity : Optimising ecosystem service provision via functional agricultural biodiversity


Zur Rettung unserer landwirtschaftlichen Betriebe die Bienen schützen

Bienen und andere lebenswichtige Bestäuber werden weltweit mit alarmierender Geschwindigkeit durch den Einsatz von Pestiziden und die intensive Landwirtschaft mit ihren Chemikalien getötet. Diese Insekten sind für zwei Drittel unserer Nahrungspflanzenkulturen unentbehrlich. Mit der Verbesserung der biologischen Vielfalt kann der Verlust der Bestäubervielfalt gemildert werden. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt FAB wird die räumlichen und zeitlichen Verteilungsmuster der wichtigsten bestäubenden Arten erforschen. Es wird Untersuchungen auf Getreide- und Blumenfeldern in Frankreich durchführen. Im Endeffekt verfolgt das Projekt das Ziel, das Konzept der funktionalen biologischen Vielfalt in die Landwirtschaft zu integrieren. Den Landwirten soll dabei geholfen werden, wichtige ökologische Dienstleistungen (biologische Schädlingsbekämpfung und Bestäubung der Pflanzen) wiederherzustellen, um eine biodiversitätsfreundliche Erzeugung zu gewährleisten.


Regulating services (pest regulation and pollination) are considered to be the major ecosystem services (ES) delivered by biodiversity to agriculture worldwide. Unfortunately the expansion of modern, chemical-intensive agriculture has caused widespread declines in the abundance and diversity of beneficial arthropods (e.g. bees, natural enemies of pests) and the valuable ES they provide. Increasing plant biodiversity to enhance pollinators and natural enemies in agro-ecosystems is a promising management technique to foster ES delivery. However, the translation of increased species diversity and abundance into enhanced ES provision and thus crop yield cannot be depended upon. Furthermore, ES are currently studied in isolation and potential antagonisms between ES poorly understood. With recent research suggesting that management methods for one ES may be detrimental to the other, it is imperative that these ES are no longer studied in isolation to better understand potential antagonisms / synergies. The FAB (Functional Agricultural Biodiversity) Project will, for the first time, study the effects of plant biodiversity on the delivery of these two vital ES collectively. Performed in collaboration with ECOBIO and the company Yves Rocher, the project will utilise cereal and flower fields in NW France to investigate the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of key ES-provider species and how this translates into increased ES provision (pollination and pest regulation for the farmer). Ultimately, the research aims to find solutions for the removal of barriers that prevent or limit the delivery of pest regulation and pollination by FAB and ES management strategies and enhance yield for the farmers. A 6 months secondment to Yves Rocher will offer me unique insight into industry, learning the constraints of production and necessity to develop a marketing image, further strengthening my reputation within my field and developing future collaborative relationships.


€ 196 707,84
35042 RENNES

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Bretagne Bretagne Ille-et-Vilaine
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 196 707,84