Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CYBERCULT (Strategic Cultures of Cyber Warfare)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2019-07-01 al 2021-06-30
1. What influence does strategic culture have on (a) the adoption and development of OCC in western states, and (b) the ways OCC are used by those states to enhance their security and support their strategic objectives?
2. What are the similarities and difference in the perceptions of cyber policymakers and practitioners within and between western countries about the utility of OCC?
3. What influence does strategic culture have on the development and use of OCC in western states as compared to material considerations, such as effects and costs?
The importance of the research relates to gaining a greater understanding of a source of significant international conflict and instability, as well as in providing relevant research to inform policy making processes, including at the EU and NATO level, that seek to enhance cyber security. The project therefore aimed to contribute to understanding a growing source of global insecurity and in its immediate relevance for policy.
The overall objectives of the project were:
1. To establish a strategic culture-based theoretical concept that explains the development and use of OCC by western powers.
2. To produce a data set on perceptions of OCC
3. To produce a comparative analysis of OCC adoption in three of the World’s leading cyber powers