Von Pigmenten zu einem dynamischen Kontext des Lebens in der Antike
Eines von vielen erforschten Gebieten in der Archäologie ist die Polychromie. Sie ist ein Indikator für die Herkunft von Gegenständen und die Herstellung von Pigmenten. Die Erforschung benutzter Farbstoffe kann viele weitere historische Prozesse alter Kulturen freilegen und unser historisches Erbe wesentlich bereichern. Im Rahmen des EU-finanzierten Projekts BUNT werden Pigmente wie Zinnober und Ägyptisch Blau im Kontext der kulturellen, politischen und ökonomischen Veränderungen und Dynamiken in Noricum, einem keltischen Königreich unter dem Römischen Reich analysiert. Als neuartige multidisziplinäre Untersuchung wird diese Studie Beschaffungswege, Organisation, Produktionstechnologien und Wissenstransfer aufzeigen und uns dabei helfen, unser altes Erbe besser zu verstehen.
Archaeometric research on ancient polychromy can reveal how past cultures exchanged commodities and knowledge. This raises fundamental questions relevant to cultural heritage research, to our understanding and present-day perception of ancient economic dynamics, technology and art. I have analyzed a number of colorants, with the aim of determining material provenance. The more of these analyses that are carried out, the more the need for an integrated synopsis of the current state of knowledge becomes pressing. My overall research goal is to test the potential of ancient pigments for indicating various forms of (ex)change. I hypothesize that the information on provenance and production processes gained from scientifically analyzing, archaeologically and historically contextualizing ancient pigments will indicate procurement patterns, technology and organization of production, and transfer of knowledge and culture in a novel way. To test this, I will investigate the origin of raw materials and the product quality of cinnabar and Egyptian blue pigments in unprecedented detail with a multidisciplinary approach: The impurities in pigment mineral phases can indicate production processes and thus perhaps organization of production. Trace elements and isotope ratios vary depending on the geology of a source area. This allows excluding a less likely provenance. For BUNT, I will set the material analysis in context with the discussion of the cultural, political and economic dynamics in Noricum after it became part of the Roman Empire – an area with abundant local resources and the potential for local production of pigments, and a highly interesting time of cultural change. BUNT is innovative, multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral, which will advance my versatility and independence in research, and which is in line with the ambitions communication and dissemination strategies; it builds, at its core, an open pigment database and aims to promote European cultural heritage.
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MSCA-IF - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF)Koordinator
1010 Wien