Periodic Reporting for period 1 - InDiQE (Infinite-dimensional quantum effects)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2019-06-01 al 2021-05-31
The formulation of experimentally accessible criteria for certifying and quantifying genuine quantum correlations.
The investigation of efficient techniques to store, transmit, extract or quantify quantum information from highly dimensional states.
The characterization of discrete- and continuous-variables hybrid systems and the discretization problem.
The advance in the understanding of practical systems and realistic scenarios for quantum information tasks and quantum thermodynamics applications.
We worked on the investigation of efficient techniques to either certify, store, transmit, extract or quantify quantum information from highly dimensional states, independently if they are DV or CV systems. We explored different aspects of characterization and measurements of quantum states and parameters. Firstly, we considered three paradigmatic estimation schemes in continuous-variable quantum metrology and analysed them from the Bayesian perspective [Quantum Sci. Technol. 6 025018 (2021)]. We identify Bayesian estimation strategies that combine good performance with the potential for straightforward experimental realization in terms of Gaussian states and measurements. Besides precision, the fast and accessible verification of nonclassical resources is an indispensable step towards a broad utilization of continuous-variable quantum technologies. We use machine learning methods for the identification of nonclassicality of quantum states of light by processing experimental data obtained via homodyne detection [Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023229 (2021)]. For this purpose, we train an artificial neural network to classify classical and nonclassical states from their quadrature-measurement distributions.
As part of the effort for shaping Europe’s digital future it is necessary to unlock the transformative power of quantum, it is crucial to develop a solid industrial base that builds on its long tradition of excellence in quantum research. The Quantum Technologies Flagship, launched in 2018, is a large-scale, long-term research initiative funded by the EU that brings together research institutions, industry and public funders, consolidating and expanding European scientific leadership and excellence in this field. Quantum computing and quantum communications are at the centre of it. The EU Commission is now planning to build state-of-the-art pilot quantum computers by 2023 and since 2019 supports development of a quantum communication infrastructure covering the whole EU. Hence, our area of research receives attention from the public and thus has a potential impact on society by also reshaping the public understanding of our technologies in the long run.