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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Aggregation and improved Governance for untapping Residential Energy Efficiency potential in the Basque Country


Assessment Handbook

Methodological guide for carrying out the process of analysis, selection and detailed diagnosis of buildings for their integral retrofitting. Language: Spanish, with an Executive Summary in English.

Final Publishable Report

Final Publishable Report (M47): A professionally designed, attractive and relevant report to be disseminated among the key target group and to other European peers (such as local authorities and energy agencies). Language: Spanish, Basque and English.

AGREE Academy Report

The AGREE Academy final report will collect detailed description of the activities with a final evaluation of the results.Language: English

Deployment Package

Report that includes a detailed proposal for the improvement of the grant and loan design based on segmentation of demand, the mechanisms for promoting aggregation and improvement of governance and management protocols. Language: Spanish, with an Executive Summary in English.

Final Conference Report

Project results will be presented in an international conference to an invited audience of target groups identified by the partners. A detailed report on the content, attendance and impact of the conference will be produced.Language: English

Challenges and opportunities for the promotion of energy retrofitting

Report that features challenges and opportunities for the promotion of energy retrofitting, as well as selected best practices and innovative financial mechanisms. Language: Spanish, with an Executive Summary in English.

Process Replication Guide

Guide that sets out the steps for replicating such processes to promote energy retrofitting of private multifamily building estates.Language: Spanish, with an Executive Summary in English.

Project Newsletter

Three newsletters (M6, M18, M36) will be produced, designed, and edited in English, Spanish and Basque and distributed to the target audience, using email, social media, handouts and weblinks. All partners will feature in each newsletter and provide copy and updates on activities that are transferable and will appeal to a wider audience. Language: English, Spanish, Basque.

Project Video

A short promotional video will be produced for presenting objectives, process and outcomes of the AGREE project.Language: Spanish with subtitles in English and Basque.

Project website, logo, social media channel establishment

Logo design, project website development and placing of AGREE in social media – clear messages for each of target groups, presentation of project updates, achievements, conclusions, with networking and communication elements. Language: English, Spanish, Basque.


Demand Aggregation as a Strategy for Untapping Buildings’ Energy Renovation Potential: Diagnosis and Prioritization Methodology and Case Study from the Basque Country

Autoren: Olatz Nicolas Patricia Molina
Veröffentlicht in: Sustainability 2021, 13(24), 13881, 2021
Herausgeber: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/su132413881

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