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CORDIS - EU research results

Energy Efficiency Watch 4

Project description

Promoting decarbonisation and energy efficiency

The European Union’s decarbonisation and energy goals are having a positive impact on society at the European, national, regional and local level. However, the benefits of energy efficiency have yet to be fully understood and accepted by stakeholders. The EU-funded EEW4 project aims to support public authorities in implementing the Energy Union and achieving wide support for the benefits of decarbonisation and energy efficiency. The project will describe how the decarbonisation process is not only connected to protecting the climate, but has a wide range of benefits for energy security, job creation and air quality. EEW4 will take into consideration the particular situation in EU Member States and address all relevant actors, promoting good practices and case studies.


EEW4 aims at supporting the engagement of the public sector at all governance levels (Call Part A + partially part B): Supporting public authorities to implement the Energy Union.
EEW4 intends to develop narratives for national, regional + local levels. They are key for higher levels of implementation. They combine the aim of decarbonization of EU’s economy with other benefits of energy efficiency, which increase broad acceptance in society for other reasons than climate protection: air quality, modernization, job creation, energy security. Thus, policy instruments are embedded into overarching narratives showing wider benefits for each context.
• EEW4 helps MS to fulfil their obligations under EED, taking into account narratives from all across EU.
• EEW4 will develop narratives for local, regional and national authorities.
• EEW4 addresses all governance levels: the national and EU levels are reached via parliamentary events, surveys with administration representatives; the regional and municipal levels via the network partners Borg&Co/eceee, FEDARENE + EnergyCities.
• EEW4 will address all sectors of energy efficiency to represent the full range of benefits.
• EEW4 will continuously disseminate project results. It will use stakeholder input for a broad fact base and return the results for testing + dissemination.
• EEW4 will enhance political commitment at MS level by creating a broader understanding of the multiple benefits of efficiency. Analysis on poor implementation levels showed, that often in political communication no genuine benefits were used to explain the need for efficiency. Instead, it was referred to ‘enforcement’ of EU directives, an exogeneous matter rather than an intrinsic case. EEW4 aims at breaking this cycle by presenting adequate narratives, case studies on good practice (how to combine policy instruments with supportive narratives), key policy recommendations how to build narratives, by parliamentary, regional and local events.

Call for proposal


See other projects for this call

Sub call



Net EU contribution
€ 577 048,75
1040 Bruxelles / Brussel

See on map

Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/ Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Arr. de Bruxelles-Capitale/Arr. Brussel-Hoofdstad
Activity type
Total cost
€ 577 048,75

Participants (10)