Descripción del proyecto
Fabricar basándose en la sostenibilidad
La transición sostenible hacia una economía circular, hipocarbónica y resiliente al cambio climático es una las principales prioridades de la Unión Europea (UE). En colaboración con el Gobierno de Finlandia, el proyecto MF2019, financiado con fondos europeos, organiza un congreso titulado «Manufuture 2019 - Sustainable Smart Manufacturing» (Manufuture 2019: fabricación inteligente sostenible). Será un evento de referencia de la Presidencia finlandesa del Consejo de la UE que se celebrará durante las Jornadas Sostenibles (del 30 de septiembre al 1 de octubre de 2019). Durante las sesiones de apertura del primer día del evento, cientos de participantes formularán mensajes clave y recomendaciones para acciones futuras.
"The aim of the project is to organize a conference ""Manufuture 2019 - Sustainable Smart Manufacturing, MF2019"" in cooperation with the Finnish government. The MF2019 conference will be part of European Days for Sustainable Circular Economy 30.9.-1.10.2019 and will be organized at the same time with The sustainable transition to a low carbon, climate-resilient circular economy: Creating the knowledge base, CE2019 and Sustainable innovation (SI). The Manufuture 2019 conference on 30 September to 1 October 2019 has been planned as a flagship event during the Presidency of the Finland of the Council of the European Union.
The opening sessions on the first day of the two-day European Days for Sustainable Circular Economy will be organised parallel by the three separate conferences, while the second day programs are conference-specific, taking place at the same time and in the same venue. The second day will end to a joint adjourn, that will summarise and conclude the main findings and messages of the opening session and the three conferences, as well as draft key messages and recommendations for future actions on sustainable transitioning towards low carbon, climate-resilient circular economy in the European Union. Organising the three conferences at the same time with separate costs and is expected to bring several benefits, in particular as regards the visibility, spreading the information and invitations, management of the events, as well as the impact, networking, and sharing and dissemination of knowledge and resulting in common learning. Altogether 650 attendees are expected to the European Days for Sustainable Circular Economy as a whole and around 250 participants will be expected to attend the MF2019 conference.
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