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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - P2B (PEERS TO BLOCKCHAIN)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2019-04-15 al 2020-07-14


The European project PEERs TO BLOCKCHAIN – P2B, led by the Technology Park of Andalucia, was approved by the European Commission, within the framework of call Innosup 5 (H2020 program).

P2B is based on an initiative from the Technology Park of Andalucía and the International Association of Science Parks and Innovation Area, who have recently created a Blockchain Subnetwork of members actives in this field. The main objective of the project is indeed to provide SMEs with opportunities for international collaboration and to share professional expertise at European and international level using Blockchain technologies.

With partners from Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, and with associate partners initially from Bulgaria, China, Estonia, Finland, France, Hungria, Italy, Palestine and Rusia, the specific objectives of the P2B project will be to analyse the current state of art of this new technology, including pilot projects and good practices in the participating regions, to propose a series of methodologies and strategies to enhance the SME innovation with the support and implementation of Blockchain and to promote the development of an effective ecosystem of innovation support to SMEs in Europe related to blockchain technologies. In addition, we will play a great emphasis on transferring the good practices and the results obtained within the regional ecosystem of each partner.

The main objective of the project is indeed to improve the innovation of SMES with the support and implementation of Blockchain technology and to promote in Europe the development of an effective ecosystem to support innovation for SMES with this technology.
The Kick-off meeting of the project will take place on Wednesday 15th of May in the headquarters of the Technology park of Andalusia, Malaga. The partners are actually working on the corporate image, as well as on the preparation of the activities to be implemented in the project.
The foreseen impacts within the P2B project are indicated below:

The action 1 and 2 of the P2B project enabled the partnership to investigate on new topics and approaches in innovation support to SMEs, especially in the field of Blockchain, and, to have a detailed vision when it comes to develop peer learning activities based on these new approaches. Providing relevant indicators, stating effective governance models, improve ICO marketing management, implement the strengths of blockchain into traditional assets, create ecosystems of digital services that is compelling for consumers or develop online communities where users are rewarded for helping each other will be some of the topics to be explored.

One of the expected impacts is to improve the quality management of the innovation agencies and strategic actors participating in the project, more especially in concepts and technologies related to Blockchain and in learning process, in order to deliver efficient services to SMEs, based on their real needs, with the objective to increase their satisfaction and to propose solutions that will fast-track their development.

Other foreseen impact is to increase the number of innovation agencies engaged in peer learning activities. In this sense, during the preparation of the proposal, several associate partners have been selected to carry out peer to peer activities with them, as listed next, and to transfer the results of the project within each participant region. Moreover, during the project, strategic actors (universities, chambers of commerce, technology parks and association of science and technology parks, public entities) will also be invited to participate in the foreseen activities.

All the partnership will work on the transfer of the results of the P2B project, especially the conclusions of the peer learning. The Blockchain Good Practice Digital Handbook to be developed in the action 2, will be a good tool to promote the improvements suggested and include them in regional and national innovation supporting programs.

For the active involvement of collaborative partners, several lines of action have been followed. On one hand, IASP Blockchain Subnetwork members have confirmed their interest in participating in the P2B project as associate partners, and on the other hand, each partner is going to include strategic actors from their ecosystem, and respective national and international network.