CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Next REnewable multi-GENeration technology enabled by TWO-phase fluids machines


Entwicklung neuartiger, generationsübergreifender erneuerbarer Technologien

Die zunehmende Bedeutsamkeit erneuerbarer Energien führt zu einem steigenden Bedarf an fortgeschrittenen Energieinfrastrukturen. Aus diesem Grund zielt das EU-finanzierte Projekt REGEN-BY-2 darauf ab, einen neuartigen Prototyp im Labormaßstab eines hocheffizienten, patentierten thermodynamischen Zyklus und einer entsprechenden Anlage zur Umwandlung von Wärmequellen in Energievektoren zu entwickeln. Dieser Prototyp verwendet zweiphasige Flusskompressoren und Expander und wird imstande sein, jegliche erneuerbaren Wärmequellen (z. B. Sonnenenergie, Erdwärme und Wasserwärme) mit niedrigen oder hohen Temperaturen sowie zusätzliche Wärmequellen wie Abwärme umzuwandeln. Das Projekt wird die Nachfrage nach sowie die vermehrte Nutzung von erneuerbaren Wärmequellen fördern.


REGEN-BY-2 will research, design, construct and experiment a first-of-its-kind lab-scale prototype of a recent near-worldwide patented thermodynamic cycle and related plant for the conversion of thermal sources in energy vectors, i.e. electric, heating and-or cooling powers. The start-up TIFEO, which was founded in 2018 by the team leading this proposal and is the exclusive licensee of the patent driving REGEN-BY-2, is a potential European Unicorn. REGEN-BY-2 can convert (from small to large-scale) any typology of renewable thermal source from low to high-temperature (e.g. solar, aerothermal, geothermal, hydrothermal) including additional thermal sources (e.g. waste heat). REGEN-BY-2 is enabled by machines capable to work with two-phase fluids, i.e. constituted by both liquid and vapor phases. The patented thermodynamic cycle is highly efficient as it is constituted by a proper combination of Carnot cycles operating with two-phase fluid circulating in novel two-phase expanders and two-phase compressors. To be successful, these two-phase machines will have to be designed, prototyped and integrated in the REGEN-BY-2 lab-scale prototype. Moreover, the patented technology has large flexibility due to the control of many process parameters, allowing chasing and satisfying the end-users energy demands in a predictable and dispatchable way. By the exploitation of renewable thermal sources from small to large-scale, by converting them more efficiently and with more flexibility into electric, heating and-or cooling energy vectors, REGEN-BY-2 will induce greater demand for and increasing use of renewable thermal sources. REGEN-BY-2 is a breakthrough in our energy infrastructure as it can be used in wide energy sectors (e.g. District Heating&Cooling systems and Distributed Renewable Flexible Energy systems). The research is low-TRL and high risk. For this, a full value international chain is assembled (Universities, RTOs, SMEs, Large Enterprises, a Standards Organization).

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€ 614 750,00
56126 Pisa

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Centro (IT) Toscana Pisa
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 614 750,00

Beteiligte (13)