Blockchain-Technologie für eine effiziente und transparente Landwirtschaft
Blockchain-Technologie hat unter anderem die Landwirtschaft erobert, da sich damit die Rückverfolgbarkeit von Informationen in der Lebensmittelversorgungskette und die Zertifizierung von Nahrungsmitteln optimieren lässt. Mithilfe von Blockchain stellt das EU-finanzierte Projekt FOrLedger eine innovative Low-Code-Plattform vor, mit der Softwareunternehmen, die sich an Betriebe in der Lebensmittelversorgungskette richten, Blockchain-gestützte Software entwickeln können. Das Instrument ermöglicht ein schnelles Management mit minimalem Programmierungsaufwand. Mit der Entwicklung dieser neutralen, offenen Plattform, bei der Dritte von der Autorisierung von Transaktionen ausgeschlossen wurden, möchte FOrLedger großen Lebensmittelkonzernen die Informationsmacht nehmen und sie in die Hände der Direktkundschaft legen.
FOrLedger, an innovative low-code development platform that allows software companies oriented to agrifood supply chain businesses to develop blockchain-based software quickly with minimal coding, minimizing the need for extensive coding experience. These applications support growers in the traceability and in the certification of food products by using the Blockchain technology and Smart Contracts. It helps them build transparency beyond the “one step down, one step up” traceability principle. Furthermore, it improves the integrity of product data and drives efficiencies for stakeholders.
The novelty of FOrLedger lies in blockchain technology togetherwith model-driven techniques which is provided “as-a-service” facilitating its integration in any software application within supply chain environment. The blockchain technology allows to make safe and automatic all the transactions along the supply chain, increasing the high-quality production (in particular organic products), improving the environmental sustainability and guaranteeing transparency and safety to the final consumer. The blockchain was developed as a decentralised ledger which records transactions and stores this information on a global network in a manner which prevents it being changed at a future point. While initially adopted for its financial implications, the blockchains’ decentralised system has huge potential for the traceability of supply chains. The blockchain provides a neutral open platform, there is no third party needed to authorise transactions, but rather a set of rules all participants, both users and the operators of the system, must abide by. Blockchain technology is used as a form of proof: proof of existence, proof of ownership, proof of transaction, proof of exchange and proof of value. The blockchain has the potential to take the power of information from Big Food and place it into the hands of the direct customer.
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Die Organisation definierte sich zum Zeitpunkt der Unterzeichnung der Finanzhilfevereinbarung selbst als KMU (Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen).