Descrizione del progetto
Nuova alleanza per supportare i ricercatori a rischio
L’integrazione dei ricercatori a rischio è una priorità assoluta per l’UE. Il progetto InSPIREurope, finanziato dall’UE, creerà un’alleanza a livello europeo per garantire ai ricercatori il sostegno di cui hanno bisogno. Basato su un partenariato, il progetto comprende organizzazioni specializzate nel supporto a ricercatori a rischio, entità esperte in ricerca e innovazione e responsabili politici dell’UE che si occupano di questioni correlate. Il progetto fornirà orientamento e formazione ai ricercatori, nonché l’accesso ai fondi UE e nazionali. I datori di lavoro otterranno inoltre una migliore visione d’insieme delle competenze del ricercatore. InSPIREurope garantirà un sostegno permanente ai ricercatori attraverso la creazione del Comitato di coordinamento di InSPIREurope.
The InSPIREurope project will forge a coordinated, cross-sectoral, Europe-wide alliance in support of researchers at risk. The project partners are uniquely suited to lead such cooperation as they include (i) leading organizations in supporting researchers at risk including the French and German national funding programmes and the European office of the Scholars at Risk network (ii) organizations with expertise in European and national R&I programmes (iii) leading actors in influencing EU policies on higher education, research and innovation (iv) universities in regions underrepresented in existing support networks and initiatives for researchers at risk. The project will lay the groundwork for a durable support structure in Europe for researchers at risk through the creation of the InSPIREurope Coordinating Committee, a project team that will live on, grow and diversify beyond the life of the project. Through guidance, coaching, and training, researchers at risk will stand a better chance of accessing existing EU and national funding and support; while employers across Europe will gain new insights into the integration of diverse research talent. Deploying the vast dissemination networks of the partners, the Coordinating Committee will promote the good support measures already in place at the national and European level, encourage their replication, facilitate greater coordination and peer-learning between national-level and European-level research and innovation initiatives, and provide concrete recommendations to the policy level on sustaining such support over the long-term. Through outreach, the project will encourage the development of new support initiatives in particular in Central, Southern and Eastern Europe. Through stakeholder fora and mutual learning opportunities, the project will break down barriers between the academic and non-academic sector towards the common goal of integrating the research talent of researchers at risk.
Parole chiave
Meccanismo di finanziamento
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinatore
W23 Maynooth