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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

A revolutionary cybersecurity SaaS helping small-medium business (SMEs) to protect their networks like large corporates do!

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ODIX 2.0 (A revolutionary cybersecurity SaaS helping small-medium business (SMEs) to protect their networks like large corporates do!)

Berichtszeitraum: 2020-06-16 bis 2021-06-15

The odix 2.0 project mission is to provide SMEs with enterprise grade cyber security services in affordable price and simple deployment method.
Cyber-attacks are global and become a serious problem for countries, companies and individuals.
The economic impact of cyber attack is huge. It can shut down factories, impact businesses by losing reputation in case of data bridge, affect business continuity and even act as weapon between nations.
SMEs are easy and convenient target for hackers as their IT systems are vulnerable due to lack of knowledge and resources in the cyber field.
Research shows that over 60% of SMEs close their business within 6 months after they were hacked.
odix 2.0 remove the barrier SMEs have with deployment of cyber security tools.
The odix 2.0 project introduces set of cloud-based services based on the ODI proven enterprise grade core malware prevention technology based on its patented TrueCDR algorithm.
We selected a set of services that will be included in odix 2.0 project scope:
a. odix Managed Kiosk- a physical station for enabling to scan and sanitize files on removable devices as USB, flash drives, DVDs, CDs, etc. before these files are allowed into the company network. This application solves a major problem of securing the removable media file insertion channel.
b. FileWall™ for Microsoft 365 mail- native app that solves a major problem of securing email attachments. 94% of malware is delivered via email and 34% of attacks involves internal employees (source: version business). Email is one of the most popular applications business use regardless to their size. Many organizations trust the cloud service provider and believe that they are safe from cyberthreats by simply using the cloud service. Unfortunately, most cloud applications require the deployment of additional security solutions in order to better protect the organization assets.
The FileWall™ service meets the odix 2.0 strategic statement which is; providing an enterprise grade malware prevention service to SMEs in affordable and easy to deploy manner.
FileWall™ is a game changer in the way businesses can purchase and operate cyber security service.
The work performed along the first year of the project included the following:
• Validating market needs
• Prioritizing development and product releases
• Assessing pricing schemes for the product
• Planning and applying a transparent user experience and intuitive user interface
• Planning optimal distribution channels.

FileWall™ service was developed using latest cloud technologies. The service was released for beta users as planned. The beta users’ trials included hundreds of users.
Now, the FileWall™ for Microsoft 365 Mail is available for direct purchase at the Microsoft marketplaces (AppSource and Azure) for companies up to 500 users or via alternative marketplaces owned by CSP (cloud service providers) such as
As of end of June 2021 there are over 50,000 users (seats) registered for FileWall service via Microsoft.
The work on FileWall was done in parallel to the odix Managed Kiosk service.
odix managed Kiosk is deployed at 25 customers.
FileWall™ created a great traction and interest from Microsoft, though leaders, partners and SMEs.
• ODI was selected by Microsoft product team to join the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association (MISA) program. The agreement was signed recently and provides ODI co-marketing activities and benefits with Microsoft.
• ODI pitched to security analysts about the FileWall™ service. The positive feedback we got about the fact that FileWall is the first and only CDR security supplement deployed as Microsoft 365 native app provided us a sense that odix 2.0 project is in the right direction.
• FileWall offers an extremely value proposition for SMEs in attractive monthly subscription fee of 1$/user.