Descripción del proyecto
El idioma del encéfalo
Las ciencias lingüísticas se alejan cada vez más de los métodos basados en protocolos administrados de forma individual para acercarse a la caracterización de cómo dos o más interlocutores emplean el idioma como un conjunto de recursos compartidos que permite su interactuación. El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos COBRA formará a una nueva generación de investigadores para caracterizar y modelar con precisión los mecanismos lingüísticos y cognitivos que dan lugar a conversaciones entre humanos y entre humanos y máquinas. El reto principal reside en determinar cómo la alineación y la predicción podrían tanto basarse en relaciones de acoplamiento de encéfalo a encéfalo como contribuir a las mismas. El reto secundario plantea el desarrollo de modelos computacionales de alineación y predicción para lograr sintetizadores de texto a habla, sistemas de diálogo entre humanos y máquinas y robots sociales que generen menos rechazo social.
COBRA aims to train the next generation of researchers to accurately characterize and model the linguistic, cognitive and brain mechanisms deployed by human speakers in conversational interactions with human interlocutors as well as artificial dialog systems. It relies on a cross-sectoral international network of 11 world-level academic research centers and 4 non-academic partners with 3 fast-developing SMEs and 1 world-level company. The partners' unique combined expertise and high complementarity will allow COBRA to offer 15 ESRs an excellent training programme as well as strong exposure to the non-academic sector in the emerging field of conversational brains. Training will cover scientific and technical skills, from the joint monitoring of brain and physiological activities in two or more people talking to each other to making multi-language databases, resources and findings available in open access, as well as transferable skills. The ESRs will conduct experimental and corpus studies on the alignment and prediction processes that make conversation between people both easy and fluent, across a large variety of communicational settings and in different languages, to better understand how these processes contribute to setting up brain-to-brain coupling relationships. Collaborative work with non-academic partners will foster the development of more effective and socially acceptable text-to-speech synthesizers, artificial dialogue systems, and social humanoid robots with high-level conversational skills. The project will open new career perspectives for ESRs with interdisciplinary training in language sciences, neuroscience and dialog systems on a very fast-growing digital market. COBRA’s training programme will also have major societal implications as it will concern aspects of the European citizens’ everyday life, from spoken interactions with machines to conversing in a non-native language.
Ámbito científico
Palabras clave
Régimen de financiación
MSCA-ITN - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN)Coordinador
13284 Marseille