Bessere OLED-Displaytechnologie für Europa
Das EU-finanzierte Projekt HEL4CHIROLED verfolgt das Ziel, dem Bereich der organischen Leuchtdioden (OLED) in Europa durch die Ausbildung von Nachwuchsforscherinnen und -forschern neuen Schwung zu verpassen. Das Projekt wird ein neues Denken in Bezug auf Technologien für organische Leuchtdioden entwickeln. Konzipiert werden neue Werkstoffgruppen und -ansätze, bei denen neu im Entstehen begriffene Technologien genutzt werden, um die Leistung von Displays auf OLED-Basis zu verbessern. HEL4CHIROLED wird eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen Partnern aus der Welt der Wissenschaft und der Industrie sein, die sich über bestmögliche Verfahren austauschen. Projektziel ist die Schulung von Nachwuchsforscherinnen und -forschern in weltweit führenden Laboratorien, wo sie in der einzigartig günstigen Lage sind, zur Entwicklung neuartiger optoelektronischer Bauelemente, Displays und Bildgebungstechnologien der Zukunft beitragen zu können.
In the HEL4CHIROLED project, coordinated by a woman, the principal research goal is the preparation of chiral Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) and Organic Light-Emissive Transistors (OLETs) based on new small helical molecules (HEL-PI), helical pi-conjugated oligomers (HEL-OLIGO) and helical lanthanide complexes (HEL-Ln). Such knowledge will provide a paradigm shift in OLED technologies, developing new material sets and approaches that take advantage of i) the Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity (CISS) effect for improved performance in OLEDs and ii) the emission of circularly polarized light (CPL) to improve the performance of displays based on OLEDs, and to allow for additional functionality stereoscopic displays, enhanced bandwidth optical communication, etc). Efficient circularly polarized (CP) emissive OLEDs and OLETs and Spin Selective devices (Spin-OLEDs and Spin-OLETs) are targeted. The input of private sector beneficiaries and partners is critical to the scientific objectives, as well as to the enhanced training environment. Work packages combine involvement from both academic and private sectors that will feed into the overall goal through secondments, regular virtual meetings and face-to-face network meetings. The symbiosis of the developments that will take place in HEL4CHIROLED will create a research and training environment that is world-leading and optimally tailored to capitalise, for example, on the investment that has been made on chirality-related technologies. The ESRs will be trained in world-leading laboratories and/or in private beneficiaries and will benefit from the exchange of best practice among beneficiaries and partners, and from unique training events. HEL4CHIROLED will therefore ensure that European research remains competitive in the global market, and that the trained researchers will be uniquely well-placed to contribute to the development of novel optoelectronic devices, displays and imaging technology of the future.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
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MSCA-ITN - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN)Koordinator
75794 Paris