Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CHALLENGES (Real time nano CHAracterization reLatEd techNloGiEeS)
Période du rapport: 2020-04-01 au 2021-09-30
Using a “from the lab to the fab” approach, CHALLENGES will focus on development and demonstration of such technology on three relevant application contexts: Semiconductor Industry, Si Photovoltaics and 2D Materials. The objectives of CHALLENGES include: the realization of a fully automated AFM-based tool, optimized for plasmonic enhancement of optical signals in industrial production environments and not requiring human intervention in routine operations, suitable for the analysis of large samples; the development of optimum coupling solutions of light wavelengths range, AFM tip shapes and unconventional materials to maximize plasmonic resonance, resolution and measurement capability in Silicon devices factory environment; the design and demonstration of a nanoscale metrological NDT system that is compatible with production lines that need cleanroom environment; the training of a neural network capable to locate, with low-resolution hardware, relevant sites on the sample to probe with the high-resolution system, in a machine-learning framework; the demonstration of the process-adapted nanoscale metrology for the manufacturing industry, through its use in three relevant industrial application contexts related to CMOS electronics, Silicon Photovoltaics and 2D Materials.
Overall, the envisaged results are expected to be applicable to many other industrial fields in which the materials control at the nanoscale is required, spanning from those others electronics-related (DRAM, non-volatile memory, MEMS) to those one materials science (additive manufacturing, nanocoatings) and life sciences (implants, softmatter apps) related.
• Deliverables D1.1-D1.4 describing the chemical/physical parameters and production results of test samples for CMOS, Photovoltaics and applications based on 2D materials
• D2.1 on modelling of laser-tip interaction and optical properties of plasmonic materia
• D3.1-D3.2 on spectrometer requirements and achievable parameters
• Deliverables 6.1 presenting the innovation management
• Deliverables D7.1-D7.3 including PEDR, Communication activities, and Training plan;
• Deliverables D8.1-D8.3 including Project Handbook, catalogue of risks and project collaborative space.
Specific actions have been foreseen to target CHALLENGES Dissemination actions to specific audience, such as the participation to selected events, the organization of workshop and training activities.
Since the beginning of the project, 11 dissemination activities have already been attended,organized and performed by the partners.