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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Anatomically Precise Revolutionary Implant for bone Conserving Osteoarthritis Treatment


Neuartiges Implantat für Arthritis in kleinen Gelenken

Die Verbreitung von Arthritis in kleinen Gelenken in Händen und Füßen nimmt infolge der alternden Bevölkerung zu. Auch junge Erwachsene werden aufgrund der umfassenden Nutzung von Computern und anderen elektronischen Geräten zunehmend anfällig für Arthritis in den Fingergelenken. Derzeit verfügbare künstliche Gelenke sind invasiv, führen zu Gewebeverlusten und sorgen nicht für die Wiederherstellung der natürlichen Bewegungsabläufe. Da eines der Ziele der modernen Gesellschaft darin besteht, während des Alterns ein unabhängiges Leben zu führen, sind neue Methoden zur Behandlung von Gelenkarthritis erforderlich. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt APRICOT stellt ein modernes selbstschmierendes elastisches Implantat vor, das minimalinvasiv und für jede Altersgruppe geeignet ist und bei dem fast das gesamte Knochen- und Weichgewebe erhalten bleibt. Das Projekt wird das Konzept erproben und damit die Entwicklung einer revolutionären Behandlung für Arthritis in kleinen Gelenken unterstützen.


Small joint arthritis presents a large societal burden throughout Europe. The largest pan-European study on osteoarthritis (OA) of the hand observed an average incidence of 16.3%. An ageing population is experiencing OA due to increased levels of obesity, and due to people remaining active later in life, imposing long term loading on their joints. The rise of technology has also increased the incidence of finger joint arthritis in young adults as a result of using electronic hand held devices. People need to be independent later in life and new solutions are required, particularly for small joints, where success rates of artificial joints are very low (revision rates of up to 40% have been reported for finger prostheses). This is because the implants are invasive, sacrifice large amounts of tissue, and most critically, they do not restore the original kinematics of the joint, leading to pain and discomfort due to unnatural loading of the tissues. We aim to develop APRICOT, a novel, extremely thin, self-lubricating compliant implant that is placed between the articulating surfaces of the affected joint. It is minimally invasive, does not remove healthy bone, is suitable for patients of all ages, and does not require the use of general anaesthetics. Successful proof of this radical concept will deliver a revolutionary means of treating small joint arthritis and contribute positively to society as a whole by reducing the burden of pain for millions of sufferers, and by empowering individuals to re-integrate with society with confidence. Small joint reconstruction is predicted to experience the fastest growth globally due to the number of emerging markets and the ageing population. The APRICOT concept therefore represents an opportunity for Europe to penetrate the orthopaedic market and gain a competitive advantage with a game changing innovative device.

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