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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Highly sensitive detection of single microwave photons with coherent quantum network of superconducting qubits for searching galactic axions


Bahnbrechende Methode zum Nachweis von energiearmen Mikrowellenphotonen

Die Erkennung einzelner Photonen im Mikrowellen-Frequenzbereich ist wichtig bei der Suche nach Dunkelmaterie-Axionen, beim Quantencomputing und bei Meteorologieanwendungen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt SUPERGALAX schlägt einen neuartigen Ansatz für die Erfassung von extrem energiearmen Mikrowellensignalen vor. Forschende beschäftigen sich mit der Herstellung und Erforschung der Dynamik kohärenter Quantennetzwerke, die aus einer großen Menge stark interagierender supraleitender Quantenbits – Transmonen und Fluss-Quantenbits bestehen. Das Team geht davon aus, dass die Messempfindlichkeit ihrer supraleitenden Netzwerkdetektoren das Heisenberg-Limit erreichen wird – das Standardlimit der Genauigkeit, mit der eine Quantenmessung durchgeführt werden kann. Das Manipulieren und Messen einzelner Photonen bei besonders geringen Mikrowellenfrequenzen wird dazu beitragen, hypothetische Dunkelmaterie-Axionen zu erkennen und damit die Informationsverarbeitung effizienter machen.


Detection of single photons in the microwave range has a number of applications ranging from galactic dark matter axions searches to quantum computing and metrology. We propose a novel approach to acquisition of extremely low energy microwave signals (~1 GHz), based on the general concept of a passive quantum detection. For such highly sensitive detector (quantum antenna) the key novel concept we intend to use is the coherent quantum network composed of a large amount of strongly interacting superconducting qubits embedded in a low dissipative superconducting resonator. We will fabricate and explore the dynamics of coherent quantum networks based on two types of superconducting qubits: transmons and flux qubits. A spatially distributed network of superconducting qubits interacting off-resonance with the incoming radiation, shows the collective ac Stark effect that can be measured even in the limit of single photon counting. The interaction of the signal with the collective quantum states occurring in the network of superconducting qubits has the fundamental character of a quantum non-demolition measurement, whereby the quantum states of the signal and the collective states of qubits become gradually entangled. In particular, by employment of the network of large number of qubits (N) and utilization of a collective mode established in the network, we expect to exceed the standard quantum limit and reach the so-called Heisenberg limit of sensitivity which is proportional to 1/N instead of ~1/√N in case of N non directly interacting qubits. Assessment of the progress will be done by testing arrays with increasing number of superconducting qubits by using complementary experiments with different single photon sources. The feasibility of the superconducting network detector for galactic dark matter axions search will be finaly tested by axion conversion experiment in a magnetic field.

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€ 424 348,75
00185 Roma

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Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Research Organisations
€ 424 348,75

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