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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Compact bio-based thermal energy storage for buildings

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ComBioTES (Compact bio-based thermal energy storage for buildings)

Berichtszeitraum: 2019-11-01 bis 2022-10-31

The global electric grid will more and more face growing stability and safety issues. The objectives of reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases lead to an ever more “electric society”. In parallel, the growing part of renewable energy sources in the global electricity mix is accompanied by specific issue related to the fluctuating characteristic of these sources and the temporal mismatch between their collection and their use.
At residential scale, thermal end-uses (space heating, hot tap water, cooling) represent a major part of electricity consumption in Europe and cause consumption peaks, often when electricity is expensive.
There is thus a real interest to develop appropriate thermal energy storage, suitable for buildings, to help managing the global electrical grid through load shifting and reduce the electricity bill of end-users.
ComBioTES will develop a modular compact thermal energy storage (TES) solution for heating, hot tap water and cooling fully adapted for electricity load shifting. This solution is based on two distinct thermal energy storage components. A first modular TES will be able to store hot tap water to be converted into ice storage during summer (cooling needs). A second compact latent TES, using high performances bio-based non-aggressive PCM, will store high heating energy amount, for space heating or hot tap water demands. The operation of the thermal storage will be optimized by the means of a dedicated Energy Management System taking information from the grid, the weather and load forecast, PV production if available etc.
Main objectives of the project concern the design, the manufacturing and the experimental characterization of the two thermal energy storage. The demonstration will be made in representative to real conditions/operations during an entire year of test.
Since the beginning of the project, the following actions/work has been done

* WP1: an analysis of the value of distributed storage system in the current electricity markets and smart grid applications was made, leading to the definition of 10 uses cases representing the system requirements in different country-specific applications. Some general technical specifications of the thermal storage and its EMS/control were defined. Finally, an analysis of the implementation framework and the conditions of preparation of the testing sites, the validation and the replication of the system were conducted.

WP2: an initial "benchmark" of the existing PCM thermal storage prototypes existing into the ComBioTES 's consortium and their characterization have been initially performed. The thermal performances of CEA and HMH prototypes filled with two different PCM (Crodatherm 74 and Isosorbide) were evaluated. On the basis of these results, some CFD and 1D-Dymola calculations were conducted, in order to validate the numerical models and to enhance the understanding of the physical phenomenon taking place into the PCM storage. In parallel, the design of the PCM and the versatile storages have been conducted, leading to the definition of "preferred designs" and some back-ups in case of feasibility issues. The engineering step is on-going for both storages.

WP3: a list of criteria has been developed to help in the choice of some PCM relevant for the ComBioTES applications. This list integrates technical parameter and many others parameters needed for residential application, such as safety and toxic considerations. Based on this criterion, 4 PCM were selected for potential use in the PCM storage of ComBioTES. Crodatherm 74 and Isosorbide were selected for T2.1 tests. Since Isosorbide was selected as potential PCM and since Isosorbide experiences supercooling, preliminary characterization and tests have been performed to assess (or not) its use in ComBioTES. The physical and thermal properties of Isosorbide were evaluated, as well as its behaviour during solidification. Special emphasis was given to the effect of specific device to overcome supercooling.

WP4: the generic architecture of the EMS for the PCM thermal storage, including the description of functionality, the energy management and the control strategies, was defined. However, due to uncertainties regarding the behaviour of PCM thermal storage, several points are still open. The preparatory work (simulation of the demo-site, simplified PCM TES model etc.) of the development of the algorithms of the EMS has started and is currently on-going. In an aim of versatility, it was decided that a single version of the EMS will be considered (and not a specific and dedicated version for each demo-site), with specific adaptations for each demo-sites.

WP5: it has not officially started yet but discussions, contacts and technical work have been initiated in advance. Descriptions and characteristics of the different demo-sites were initiated. Following this process, the versatile storage will be send to IEE-CAS after being tested by CEA, the PCM storage will be used for space heating in DTU and HENAN, for hot water in IEO, for hot water and heat pump pre-heating in CEA. The work of integration (P&ID, component definition, control etc.) is currently on-going.

WP6: the analysis of the environmental, social, and economic impacts/risks has started, with the development of the initial models for the LCOE calculation, the definition of the financial parameters and environmental performance parameter (LCA). A general questionnaire for the social impact assessment baseline/ activity questions, product/ policy questions, and perception questions has been developed. In parallel, the framework of a relational database with all the experimental and research data generated in WP2 and energy management system trial data generated in WP4, and energy storage system validation data generated in WP5 has been developed.

In addition, the website was developed, the dissemination materials finalized, the results were published and the participation in relevant international events assured.
The solution developed in ComBioTES integrates some beyond the state of the art innovations:
* the PMC storage integrates direct internal heating;
* the PCM storage integrates a multi-pass fluid flow;
* the concept of the versatile storage, i.e. hot storage during winter and cold storage during summer;
* the "high level EMS" at residential scale, i.e. the energy management system linked to the PCM storage and integrating/compiling information from the storage, weather forecast, electricity market etc.

To the end of the ComBioTES project, the following results are expected:
* Feedbak on the internal direct heating of PCM storage;
* Feedback on the multi-pass fluid flow of PCM thermal storage;
* Raw and analysed data of the PCM storage, from lab-scale to operation in real environment;
* Raw and analysed data of the switchable storage. Cross-analysis between two research centers;
* Feedback on the EMS and its related gains on the operation, the control and the economic aspects of the PCM TES.

The following potential impacts are expected:
* Participation to the electric grid load shifting;
* Increase of the integration of renewable energy sources in the global electric mix
* Economic gains for prosumers, i.e. household with integrated PV