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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Interoperable solutions for implementing holistic FLEXIbility services in the distribution GRID

CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.

Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .

Resultado final

Contributions to future network development plans

This deliverable will summarised the most important information gathered during Task 74 to deliver a final assessment with recommendations for an environmental friendly deployment of the use cases to increase the understanding of the energy system evolution and to address the current and future necessities of the European networks system

Dissemination and communication plan - Month 6

This deliverable corresponds to Task 9.1. This deliverable explains how the project will communicate its developments and outcomes, and how the consortium will ensure visibility of the project and dissemination of its results throughout its duration. The main outcomes will be a plan identifying a set of dissemination activities to be implemented and a general communication strategy to follow during the project lifetime. The document will be updated during the project at months 18 and 36

Market roadmap

Leveraging on the experience gained from the demo cases this deliverable result of Task 85 will analyse the market steps to be performed out of the project and the sectorial peculiarities of the proposed solutions along with FLEXIGRID results

Business model development - Month 24

This deliverable belongs to Task 83 and it will contain starting from the background that each project partner includes for the project execution all the agreements on IPR of the results achived throughout the project This will be a living document that will be updated during the project

Publishable report on physical architecture developments

Deliverable containing all the publishable results and conclusiones on the phsyical architecture developments obtained during the whole duration of WP3 next generation of Secondary Substations smart meters Energy Box and MV Protections

Demonstration and monitoring plan

Delileverabel 61 will include in a report a plan for the successful deployment of the innovative interventions the four Demosites to prove the feasibility and interoperability of the solutions developed The report will also include a monitoring plan to gather the data during the demonstration campaing The monitoring plan will include the deployment commissioning operation maintenance and removal strategies for the demo sites

Publishable report on FLEXIGRID interoperability environment

Deliverable including a summary of the publishable rport on FLEXIGRID interoperability environment

Business model development - Month 12

This deliverable related to Task 8.1 - WP8 will collect the different business models for each of the use cases that will be triggered by the project execution. These business models will evaluate the pros and cons of implementing them depending on different boundary conditions and demo-sites. The deliverable will include the exploitation routes of the innovations developed in the FLEXIGRID project. The deliverable will be updated during the project at month 24, 36 and 48.

RRI progress report-Month 24

First update of D25 at month 24

Demo-sites description and boundary conditions report

This deliverable is presented as a report which will include a list of parameters for the demo-sites characterization. These parameters will be defined during Task 2.1 and will cover different type of categories such as technical, environmental, normative and regulatory as well as socioeconomic. Parameters will be grouped by type and associated with quantifiable indicators allowing a benchmarking of demo-sites and linked to Task 2.3. Additionally, this report will include the modelling of the 4 grids related to the 4 demo-sites.

FLEXIGRID impact assessment and replication potential

Deliverable 71 will be a report about the impact assessment and the replication results developed during Task 71 containing the evaluation of the impact indicators measures included in previous deliverables

Mid-term dissemination and communication report

This report linked to Task 91 and Task 92 describes the promotional and dissemination activities conducted during the first 24 months of the project It provides an overview of different tools used for communication and promotional purposes new materialstools created during this period overall dissemination performance in the different channels among other relevant results such as participation in events and publications

Report on modules progress achieved

Deliverable 47 will consist of a report summarising the progress achieved during the module development described in the previous deliverables performed within Task 4

Project synergies report - Month 36

First update of the Project Synergies Report at month 36

Business model development - Month 48

Third update of the business model development report at month 48

Recommendations on current European regulations

Report based on activities performed during Task 73 listing a set of recommendations to promote amendments in the European regulations

RRI progress report-Month 12

This report linked to Task 2.4 will include a summary of the Responsible Research and Innovation practices which will be used during FLEXIGRID project to ensure the project considers important aspects such as public engagement, open access, gender, ethics, education, governance and science educaiton, promoting institutional change among partners to adopt RRI approach. This will be a living document that may change depending on the project needs during its whole lifecycle.

Dissemination and communication plan - Month 36

Second update of the dissemination and communication plan month 36

Stakeholders’ common requirements report

This deliverable related to Task 2.2 will compile in a report the stakeholders´ needs and expectations putting in relevance the importance of the citizens´ role in Europe when developing FLEXIGRID solutions.

Business model development - Month 36

Second update of the business model development report at month 36

Project synergies report - Month 48

Second update of the Project Synergies Report at month 48


This report will summarised a specific set of KPIs which will be defined during Task 2.3 to evaluate the innovation and effectiveness of FLEXIGRID solutions during the duration of the project. Additionally, possible solutions and bakcup plans for optimisation and troubleshooting will also be considered.

Obstacles to innovation report

Deliverable 72 related to Task 72 is a report analysing the obstacles to innovation under the current context to create a guide with best practices and recommendations to support any stakeholder interested in improving the distribution grid flexibility by means of presenting the main conclusions reached

Final report on communication and dissemination activities

This report linked to Task 91 and Task 92 is and update of the previous deliverable 912 which describes the promotional and dissemination activities conducted during the whole duration of the project It provides an overview of different tools used for communication and promotional purposes new materialstools created during this period overall dissemination performance in the different channels among other relevant results such as participation in events and publications

Dissemination and communication plan - Month 18

First update of the dissemination and communication plan - month 18

RRI progress report- Month 48

Third update of D25 at month 48

RRI progress report- Month 36

Second update of D25 at month 36

Project synergies report - Month 24

This deliverable is the outcome of Task 93 The main outcome of this document is to set the basis of the collaborations with the BRIDGE initiative and other relevant EU funded projects This deliverable will be updated during the life of the project at month 36 and 48

Project website

This deliverable will contain the main features that the website of the FLEXIGRID project will contain.

FLEXIGRID's visual materials and identity set - Month 48

Third update of the visual materials and identity set at month 48

FLEXIGRID’s visual materials and identity set - Month 18

First update of the visual materials and identity set at month 18

FLEXIGRID's visual materials and identity set - Month 36

Second update of the visual materials and identity set at month 36

FLEXIGRID’s visual materials and identity set - Month 6

The main outcome of this deliverable, related to Task 9.2 will be the materials to be developed such as leaflets, posters, roll-ups, etc. It will also include the project identity set. The materials will be developed during the whole duration of the project and updated at month 18, 36 and 48


Influence of Negative Sequence Injection Strategies on Faulted 2 Phase Selector Performance

Autores: M. T. Villén, M. P. Comech, E. Martinez Carrasco, A. A. Prada Hurtado
Publicado en: Energies, 2022, ISSN 1996-1073
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en15166018

Techniques to Locate the Origin of Power Quality Disturbances in a Power System: A Review

Autores: R. Martinez, P. Castro, A. Arroyo, M. Mañana, N. Galan, F. S. Moreno, S. Bustamante, A. Laso
Publicado en: Sustainability, 2022, ISSN 2071-1050
Editor: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su14127428

TransSiamese: A Transformer-Based Siamese Network for Anomaly Detection in Time Series as Approach for Fault Location in Distribution Grids

Autores: Javier Granado Fornás; Elías Herrero Jaraba; Andrés Llombart Estopiñan
Publicado en: IEEE Access, Edición 23821464, 2023, Página(s) 103431 - 103451, ISSN 2169-3536
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/access.2023.3316600

An analysis of optimal power flow based formulations regarding DSO-TSO flexibility provision

Autores: Martin Bolfek; Tomislav Capuder
Publicado en: International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Edición Volume 131, October 2021, 106935, 2021, ISSN 0142-0615
Editor: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2021.106935

Modeling and Simulation of Time Domain Reflectometry Signals on a Real Network for Use in Fault Classification and Location

Autores: Javier Granado Fornás; Elías Herrero Jaraba; Hans Bludszuweit; David Cervero García; Andrés Llombart Estopiñan
Publicado en: IEEE Access, Edición 22813510, 2023, Página(s) 23596 - 23619, ISSN 2169-3536
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/access.2023.3253772

A comparative between IEEE and EN in the transformer derating when supplying nonsinusoidal load current. A practical case

Autores: A. Laso, R. Martínez, M. Mañana, D. Cervero, J.A. Sáez
Publicado en: Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, Edición 18, 2020, Página(s) 747-752, ISSN 2172-038X
Editor: EA4EPQ
DOI: 10.24084/repqj18.487

Acoustic Noise-Based Detection of Ferroresonance Events in Isolated Neutral Power Systems with Inductive Voltage Transformers

Autores: Eduardo Bayona; Alberto Laso; ALBERTO ARROYO GUTIERREZ; Sergio Bustamante; Francisco Azcondo; Mario Mañana; Alberto Pigazo; Raquel Martínez
Publicado en: Sensors, 2023, 23(1), 195, 2022, ISSN 1424-8220
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/s23010195

A Methodology for the Calculation of Typical Gas Concentration Values and Sampling Intervals in the Power Transformers of a Distribution System Operator

Autores: Sergio Bustamante, Mario Manana, Alberto Arroyo, Raquel Martinez, Alberto Laso
Publicado en: Energies, Edición 13/22, 2020, Página(s) 5891, ISSN 1996-1073
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en13225891

Detection and Classification of Fault Types in Distribution Lines by Applying Contrastive Learning to GAN Encoded Time-Series of Pulse Reflectometry Signals

Autores: Jose Saldana; José Elías Herrero Jaraba; Andrés Llombart Estopiñán; Javier Granado Fornás
Publicado en: IEEE Access, Edición 22235365, 2022, Página(s) 110521 - 110536, ISSN 2169-3536
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/access.2022.3214994

Determination of Transformer Oil Contamination from the OLTC Gases in the Power Transformers of a Distribution System Operator

Autores: Sergio Bustamante, Mario Manana, Alberto Arroyo, Alberto Laso, Raquel Martinez
Publicado en: Applied Sciences, Edición 10/24, 2020, Página(s) 8897, ISSN 2076-3417
Editor: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/app10248897

Three-Stage Modeling Framework for Analyzing Islanding Capabilities of Decarbonized Energy Communities

Autores: Tomislav Capuder; Bojana Barać; Matija Kostelac; Matej Krpan
Publicado en: Energies; Volume 16; Edición 11; Pages: 4321, 2023, ISSN 1996-1073
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en16114321

Hybrid Forecast and Control Chain for Operation of Flexibility Assets in Micro-Grids

Autores: H. Mirtaheri, P. Macaluso, M. Fantino, M. Efstratiadi, S. Tsakanikas, P. Papadopoulos, A. Mazza
Publicado en: Energies, 2021, ISSN 1996-1073
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en14217252


Autores: Viguera Cebrián, Guillermo; Mendez Gómez, Cristina; Blasco Royo, Alejandro; Aguirre Valparis, Jon; Gonzalez Diego, Antonio; Manana, Mario
Publicado en: CIRED 2021, Edición 1, 2021, ISBN 978-1-83953-591-8
Editor: CIRED
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8406132

Advanced Phase Selection for Severe Line Protection Requirements

Autores: Cimadevilla, Roberto; Castañon, Alberto
Publicado en: PAC World Conference 2022, Edición June 2022, anual, 2022
Editor: PAC World Conference
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8407591

Modeliranje i analiza niskonaponskih mreža temeljene na podatcima prikazanim u geoinformacijskim sustavima

Autores: Antić, Tomislav; Capuder, Tomislav
Publicado en: HO CIRED (Croatian branch of CIRED conference), 2023
Editor: HO CIRED (Croatian branch of CIRED conference)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8055705

A computer-assisted Faulted Phase Selection Algorithm for dealing with the effects of Renewable Resources in Smart grids

Autores: Villen, María Teresa; Comech, Maria Paz; Martinez, Eduardo; Oliván, Miguel Angel; Prada, Anibal; Saldaña, Jose
Publicado en: NEIS Conference, 2023
Editor: NEIS Conference
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8402194

Od pametnih brojila do budućih gubitaka - pristup strojnog učenja

Autores: Matijašević, Terezija; Antić, Tomislav; Capuder, Tomislav
Publicado en: HO CIRED (Croatian branch of CIRED conference), 2023
Editor: HO CIRED (Croatian branch of CIRED conference)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8055852

Pp OPF -Pandapower Implementation of Three-phase Optimal Power Flow Model

Autores: Antić, Tomislav; Keane, Andreq; Capuder, Tomislav
Publicado en: 2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Edición 16-20 July 2023, 2023
Editor: IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM)
DOI: 10.1109/pesgm52003.2023.10252870


Autores: Granado, Javier; Cervero, David; Mañana, Mario; Cimadevilla, Roberto; Gil, Carlos; Rodriguez, Jose Ivan; González, Antonio
Publicado en: 2023
Editor: II Edición Congreso de Redes Inteligentes FUTURED (Madrid)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8402041

Razvoj programskih rješenja za modeliranje i analizu naprednih distribucijskih mreža

Autores: Antić, Tomislav; Capuder, Tomislav
Publicado en: HO CIRED (Croatian branch of CIRED conference), 2023
Editor: HO CIRED (Croatian branch of CIRED conference)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8055909

Free Simulation Tools for Power Quality and Grid-Integration of Renewable Energies Cases

Autores: Manana, Mario; Arroyo, Alberto; Martinez, Raquel; Bustamante, Sergio; Laso, Alberto; Sainz, Eugenio
Publicado en: Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, 2023, 21, 718-723, 2023
Editor: 21th International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8045989

Impact of Renewable Energy Sources on the Protection of MV Distribution Networks

Autores: A. Castañon, R. Cimadevilla, M. T. Villén, E. Martínez Carrasco
Publicado en: PAC World Conference 2022, 2022
Editor: PAC World Conference 2022

Smart secondary substation development and demonstration under FLEXIGRID project

Autores: J. Aguirre; A. Blasco; M. Alvarez; A. Gonzalez
Publicado en: CIRED 2023, 2023
Editor: CIRED
DOI: 10.1049/icp.2023.1148

Analytics and Optimization Techniques on Feeder Identification in Smart Grids

Autores: L. Aranburu, A. Unzueta, M. Araceli Garín, J. I. Modroño, A. Amezua
Publicado en: IEEE EUROCON 2021 - 19th International Conference on Smart Technologies, 2021
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/eurocon52738.2021.9535580

Impact of Wind Generation on Line Protection

Autores: Castañon, Alberto; Cimadevilla, Roberto; Eguia, Pablo; Torres, Esther; Ibarra, Ricardo
Publicado en: PAC World Conference 2021, 2021
Editor: PAC World Conference
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8407600

Generation of synthetic examples using generative adversarial networks (GAN) to extend a database of fault signals on power distribution lines

Autores: J. Granado; E. Herrero; A. Llombart
Publicado en: IET Digital library, 2023, ISBN 978-1-83953-855-1
Editor: IET Digital library
DOI: 10.1049/icp.2023.0229

SENS - tool for planning and operation of smart distribution networks

Autores: Antić, Tomislav; Hrga, Alen; Capuder, Tomislav
Publicado en: 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023), 2023, ISBN 978-1-83953-855-1
Editor: 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023)
DOI: 10.1049/icp.2023.0463

Bases para la implantación de un sistema de mantenimiento predictivo de transformadores de potencia en redes de distribución

Autores: Bustamante Sánchez, Sergio
Publicado en: 2022

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