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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Launching the World’s Most Power Efficient GNSS System-On-Chip


Steigerung des Potenzials des Internets der Dinge durch energieeffizienten Chip

Das Internet der Dinge, in dem Geräte und andere Objekte aus der Ferne mit Menschen verbunden werden, stellt nach Schätzungen der Europäischen Kommission die Zukunft der Digitalisierung mit einem Marktwert von mindestens einer Billion Euro bis 2020 dar. Das Internet der Dinge benötigt globale Satellitennavigationssysteme zur Vernetzung von rund 27 Milliarden Geräten. Die verwendeten Sensoren hingegen müssen tragbar sein, eine lange Akkulaufzeit haben und dürfen nur sehr wenig Strom verbrauchen. Das Projekt QLX300 hat das weltweit energieeffizienteste System-on-Chip hervorgebracht. Es wird mit einer wiederaufladbaren 1-V-Knopfzelle betrieben, betreibt seine Sensoren mit einem Zehntel der derzeit üblicherweise benötigten Energie und sichert damit das Potenzial des Internets der Dinge mindestens in Europa.


An increasing amount of IoT devices need to be tracked. All these applications rely on the Global Navigation Satellite Systems. GNSS is a system that uses satellites to provide autonomous geo-spatial positioning. Today, almost 27 billion connected devices are connected globally within the IoT. By 2025, this will multiply to over 75 billion.
Qualinx has invented QLX300, the world’s most power efficient GNSS system-on-chip (SoC). QLX300 utilizes its patented discrete- time/digital RF (DRF) technology. This allows it to deliver the most power efficient GNSS solution while operating from a 1V rechargeable coin-size battery. It has the smallest form factor of less than 4 mm squared, and it offers the lowest BOM cost. It is implemented in Global Foundries’ cutting-edge 22nm FDX process, and it has an off-leakage current of less than 1uA while operating up to 105 degrees Celsius. With this capability, the solution is addressing the need for radio solutions with long battery life, driven by the portable IoT, wearable, and mobile applications in volume production. Qualinx DRF technology suits well for Bluetooth, ZigBee, Thread, GNSS, and other IoT standards demanding an ultra-low-power consumption. The serviceable available market is estimated to be 210 million units.
For Europe, the IoT represents the next step towards the digitization of society and the economy, where objects and people are interconnected through communication networks and report about their status and/or the surrounding environment. In fact, the European Commission estimates the market value of the IoT in the EU to exceed €1 trillion in 2020. The IoT merges physical and virtual worlds, creating smart environments. The European Commission actively cooperates with industry, organizations and academic institutions in order to unleash the potential of the IoT technology across EU Member States and beyond . The adoption of QLX300 can help Europe run its IoT sensors on a 10th of the power currently needed.

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