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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Hubs of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for the Transformation of Historic Urban Areas

Descripción del proyecto

Innovar para conservar áreas urbanas históricas

La innovación y el emprendimiento son los principales impulsores de la regeneración urbana. En las áreas urbanas históricas, el objetivo fundamental es impulsar la innovación, a la vez que se conservan los lugares sociales, culturales y naturales históricos. Eso es lo que se propone el proyecto HUB-IN, financiado con fondos europeos. Formará una red de centros de innovación y emprendimiento en ocho ciudades asociadas con áreas urbanas históricas. El próximo paso será ampliar las herramientas y los métodos derivados. El proyecto, que se basa en doce objetivos específicos, empezará construyendo un ecosistema interconectado de centros para acelerar la regeneración urbana en las ochos áreas urbanas históricas. El objetivo general será revertir sistemáticamente las tendencias de abandono y negligencia del patrimonio histórico. Eso generará creación de empleo y oportunidades sostenibles para los negocios tradicionales locales.


Hubs of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for the Transformation of Historic Urban Areas
HUB-IN aims to foster innovation and entrepreneurship in Historic Urban Areas (HUA), while preserving the unique identity of the historic sites regarding their natural, cultural and social values. HUB-IN adopts the innovation and entrepreneurship as the main drivers of urban regeneration in HUAs and it´s fully aligned with the International agendas for Cultural Sustainable Development (UNESCO) and Cultural Heritage Strategy (Council Europe).
HUB-IN will have two main stages. In the first stage, a network of Hubs of innovation and entrepreneurship (Hubs) will be developed in the HUAs of eight city partners and in the second stage, the resulting methods and tools will be upscaled to a global network of HUAs of follower cities.
The Hubs of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Hubs) will test, demonstrate and pilot activities of co-creation and co-design in three meaningful clusters with potential for sustainable transformation of HUA: i) Cultural and creative industries, ii) New lifestyles and iii) Endogenous Natural & Social Resources.
HUB-IN defines 12 specific goals, that will be achieved by the following methodology: i) Building an ecosystem of interconnected Hubs to accelerate urban regeneration in eight HUAs, ii) Creating value in pilot Hubs, piloting social innovation and accelerating sustainable entrepreneurship in HUAs, iii) Packaging, upscaling and exploiting the results and create collaborative global network of Hubs of innovation and entrepreneurship in HUA, iv) Creating the HUB-IN digital space.
HUB-IN expect to contribute to reverse trends of abandonment and neglect of historic heritage in a systemic way through the creation of networks of Hubs where innovation will be the main driver. HUB-IN will also have a direct impact on the creation of new sustainable opportunities for local traditional businesses and for the development of new creative skills and jobs.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

IA - Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 672 305,62
1100 231 Lisboa

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Continente Área Metropolitana de Lisboa Área Metropolitana de Lisboa
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 672 305,62

Participantes (20)