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Development of radical innovations to recover minerals and metals from seawater desalination brines

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SEA4VALUE (Development of radical innovations to recover minerals and metals from seawater desalination brines)

Berichtszeitraum: 2021-12-01 bis 2023-05-31

The EU is highly dependent on imports of several metal ores from international markets. As excessively high import reliance threatens security of supply, especially for critical raw materials (CRM), obtaining CRM from alternative unexploited sources allows reduce dependence. Seawater Desalination Brine is an innovative potential source of raw materials, to exploit it new processes for the recovery of CRM are needed. The overall objective of SEA4VALUE project is to deliver a Multi-mineral Modular Brine Mining Process (MMBMP) to recover valuable metals and minerals from brines produced at sea-water desalination plants (SWDP). The project will prove feasibility of next generation technologies (including advanced concentration and crystallisation processes and highly selective separation processes) for recovery of Mg, B, Sc, In, V, Ga, Li, Rb, Mo and set the basis for their future assimilation in already existing and future SWDPs. In addition, potential of SWDP brines as raw materials source will be estimated. Information about brines composition will be generated to be included in EC RMIS.
In RP1 focused on brine characterisation (WP2), technology development (WP3-WP6), modelling (WP7), KPI definition and monitoring. In RP2, brine characterization (WP2) was completed, with a primary focus on technology development (WP3-WP6), modelling (WP7), KPI definition, and monitoring. However, the project is experiening a 6-month delay (amendment pending) due to setbacks in technology development. Nonetheless, in RP2, technology development was successfully finished and is ready for transfer to the moving lab (WP8).Key results include: WP2: Characterization of 123 samples and updates to the brine composition catalogue.WP3: Testing of coated NF membranes with improved properties for selective separation of multivalent from monovalent ions in desalination brine. A shift to liquid-liquid extraction using commercial ionic liquids was necessary for Rb/Ga recovery. WP4: Successful studies of self-made and commercial ion-exchange resins for preconcentration of target elements, along with the production of innovative 3D-printed adsorption modules. WP5: Selective extraction of Mg and Ca in the monovalent ion stream using binary extractant [A336] [V10] and synergistic extraction for Li over Na. WP6: Successful design and construction of an innovative fully polymer-based evaporator for brine concentration. WP7: Focus on chemical speciation modelling for scaling in NF membranes, Ca precipitation, and Fouling in multi-effect distillation, with the development of mathematical models and simulation platform. WP8: Completion of the preliminary design for the moving lab, including equipment and reagents, with ongoing site adaptation. WP9: Definition of technological KPIs for 11 different technologies, monitoring following an agile methodology, and initiation of market analysis.In addition, DECHEMA and OMYA conducted research on various elements, and potential representatives from the process industry were identified and contacted. Expert interviews and workshops were held to evaluate findings and identify standardization needs for brine mining elements, good practices, environmental aspects, and economic recommendations.
1.Creation of data about brines composition and origin to contribute to the EU knowledge base about RM sources. 2.Increase knowledge on the next generation of separation techniques to develop modular and multi-resource recovery processes adapted to the specific composition of each brine, enabling transformation of SWDP into RM mines. Contribute to increase the overall water recovery at SWDP and achieve ZLD, reducing the environmental impact of the desalination. 3.Develop next-generation technologies to recover metals from SWDP brines by improving on processes such as novel nanofiltration membranes, advanced multi-effect distillation and membrane crystallisation, ion-selective polymer Inclusion membranes (PIM), electrodialysis with Bipolar membranes, 3D-printed adsorption modules, synergic solvent extraction (SSX) combined with Solvometallurgy, binary extractant solvent extraction, non-Dispersive Solvent Extraction (NDSX), ionic liquid solvent extraction: 4.Provide knowledge about the mechanisms in advanced separation processes dealing with high-ionic strength solutions, enabling the development of radical innovations in the coming years within brine separation technology. Knowledge acquired included in mathematical models to describe the phenomena and simulate the performance of the studied technologies. 5. Validate the feasibility of multi-mineral modular processes for the recovery of RM (including water) from seawater desalination brines. The processes will be evaluated in two desalination plants in Denia (Mediterranean Sea) and Fontsalia (Atlantic region) through a moving lab. 6. Provide insights to develop innovative technologies and processes to recover M&M from brines but also ensure that this knowledge reaches the next generation of professionals by providing support to adapt higher education institutions curricula to include SEA4VALUE results.
Stakeholder WS
Apearance of the DSTU laboratory when performing measurements