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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Pilot line production of transceiver modules for the next generation of smart RF power applications

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - SMARTEC (Pilot line production of transceiver modules for the next generation of smart RF power applications)

Berichtszeitraum: 2022-02-01 bis 2023-09-30

SMARTEC proposes to raise a unique power RF nanoelectronics (Coplanar monolithic GaN MMICs and RF MEMS) innovation from TRL6 to TRL8 that will radically transform future transceiver RF power modules and to produce them through a dedicated pilot line. Moreover, the proposed pilot line will fill a gap in the European power RF manufactures landscape.
The expected product of this proposal has the potential to address societal challenges such as border and maritime security.
New technology for radar system will be developed within this project, which can be used for civilian and military purposes.
The project highlight intention to use the relevant technology for civilian purposes. However, it was not possible to find explicit confirmation about the exclusive civilian focus of research. Generally, a beneficiary partner (RF Microtech) provides solutions for radars both for civil and military applications and therefore this issue needs a clear confirmation.
The beneficiary must confirm the exclusive civilian focus of the research.

An important principle in the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is data minimization. Data processing should only use as much data as is required to successfully accomplish a given task. Additionally, data collected for one purpose cannot be repurposed without further consent.
Data minimization is referenced in five separate sections in the GDPR. While not a novel concept in data management, the GDPR does re-emphasize the importance of applying the concept in practice. In fact, it is impossible to be GDPR-compliant without implementing data minimization rules and processes at every step in the data lifecycle. This means that companies must limit personal data collection, storage, and usage to data that is relevant, adequate, and absolutely necessary for carrying out the purpose for which the data is processed.
The first step in determining data limitations is understanding the data’s context. Typically, an organization’s data exists in three different environments with three different purposes: (1) dev/test, (2) production, and (3) data warehousing & analytics.

It is important for the Society, because it will bring to the market new technology advances and new improve solutions with lower cost and high performance.

The overall objectives are the implementation of new Radar solutions for the Transport market with improve solutions.
RADAR VENDORS (Thales, RFM): Currently, global competition also invests in RF solutions. However their approach is based on different technologies (e.g. diodes) that offer inferior performance (poorer power handling capability and excessive heat losses) to the SMARTEC technology. This will give Thales and RFM a significant market edge in civilian ground and airborne radars and marine radar markets respectively.

technology will render the implementation of future regulations such as RECAT EU3 easier will contribute to environmental targets like less CO2 emissions.

MASS MARKET TRANCEIVER USERS: The simplified fabrication process alleviates back end production steps thus lowering cost by 25% which for mass applications can prove the key winning factor in applications like 5G.
Electromagnetism has a profound effect on our lives since applications such as airborne or ground active array radars, wireless and satellite communications, cable TV, and smart automotive infrastructure all depend on it. All of them are in continuous need of improved performance at lower cost thus novel solutions need to be sought after for their next-generation products1,2,3,4,5. The SMARTEC innovation aspires to exploit a business opportunity window in the current commercial status of power Radio Frequency (RF) front ends which are the key electromagnetic module that allows us to receive and emit electromagnetic waves. This will be attained by qualifying a unique enabling technology supported in parallel with a sound business plan that will potentially lead to a corporate solution forecasted to offer significant benefits to the European society and economy.
Power RF Front Ends Current status & Technological Challenges
RF front-ends are the initial block in the free space reception-transmission chain (transceivers) that both collects electromagnetic waves converted to electric signals from the antenna as well as communicates signals to the antenna to be emitted as electromagnetic waves. Current transceivers usually employ a single antenna6 for both the reception and transmission paths and thus the GaAs (current mainstream industrial technology) power amplifier (PA) and low noise amplifier (LNA) circuits can be realized on the same chip detached by a switch with enhanced isolation capabilities. At present, GaAs front-end modules employ circulators as switches.

Exploitation and Dissemination of SMARTEC:
SMARTEC will operate on two markets: mass market GaN manufacturers and medium volume smart RF devices customers. The core activity will be to approach the first market to qualify the potential revenue from these markets. The needs (performance / costs and other characteristics) will be captured in order to make a map of the different market segments (radar, communications, avionics, automotive, IoT…) their business readiness and potential. The market of customers of manufactured solutions will be also approached, starting with Thales which is a direct potential customer.
Main competitors: Marlow industries (USA) and Kryotherm (Russia).
Business opportunity: Within SMARTEC, CIDETE will complete the innovation cycle by raising the thermoelectric cooling technology from TRL 6 to TRL 8 by validating TEC in real working conditions and the complete integration of thermoelectric devices into electronic devices. The advantages of thermoelectrics over vapor-compression cooling systems include greater reliability and freedom from vibration due to solid-state operation and reduced size, which makes easy its direct integration into the electronic apparatus or circuit that must be cooled. Additionally, thermoelectrics do not use green-house gas refrigerants.
CIDETE has developed a new High performance TE Module with a high power density with a size of 10x15 mm with a finish of a Gold flash to facilitate the easy soldering implementation into the final RF module.

SMARTEC technological innovation
FORTH and TRT have demonstrated for the first time the monolithic integration of RF MEMS with active devices using coplanar technology on non-thinned GaN/SiC substrates for high power smart reconfigurable TRX Modules at TRL 6 (analysis 1.3.1). This approach due its compactness, also successfully addresses the challenge of miniaturization (Figure 3) while is independent of the substrate (i.e. Si, SiC, sapphire). Its simplified process (no thinning, no backside processing) ensures enhanced reliability, higher yield per fabrication run and lower fabrication cost. CIDETE has developed novel thermoelectric cooling modules (TECs) capable of handling the excess heat to be produced by the SMARTEC TRX modules.