CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Implementation of a smart RETROfitting framework in the process industry towards its operation with variable, biobased and circular FEEDstock

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - RETROFEED (Implementation of a smart RETROfitting framework in the process industry towards its operation with variable, biobased and circular FEEDstock)

Berichtszeitraum: 2021-05-01 bis 2022-10-31

RETROFEED main objective is to enable the use of an increasingly variable, bio-based and circular feedstock in process industries through the retrofitting of core equipment and the implementation of an advanced monitoring and control system, and providing support to the plant operators by means of a DSS (Decision Support System) covering the production chain. This approach will be demonstrated in five REII (Resource and Energy Intensive Industries), namely ceramic, cement, aluminium, steel, and agrochemical, with the potential to reach in average an increase of 22% in resource efficiency and 19% in energy efficiency, with a consequent reduction in costs and GHG emissions of 9.3 M€ and 135 ktonCO2, respectively.
To achieve this, it will be necesary to 1) increase the knowledge on REII processes by deploying advanced modelling techniques and implementing a new monitoring infrastructure in different steps of the production chain, 2) implement a circular economy approach leveraging on retrofitting for the introduction of by-products and waste streams as alternative feedstock, 3) adapt REII equipment for the provision and use of bio-based feedstock whether as fuel or raw material, thus replacing traditional feedstock for improving the processes environmental performance, 4) improve the control system of retrofitted processes in order to deal with a higher variability in feedstock while improving their overall technical, economic and environmental performance, 5) develop a Decision Support System for assessing the best retrofitting options and operation plan of the improved processes in order to achieve a high impact over the whole production chain and 6) ensure results replication and the exploitation of the retrofitting potential in REIIs through a retrofitting methodology, contributions to standardisation bodies and capacity building programs.
Related with management issues, several activities have been performed in PR2 (request interim reports, interim payment and submission of Data Management Plan).

On the other hand, the basis for the modelling and simulation of the industrial processes, the baseline of the project by means of the characterization of the current situation of the RETROFEED demo-cases and the analysis of the market and the feedstock variability has been set. At the same time, a preliminary methodology to guide the retrofitting actions has been presented, all in PR1.

During the second reporting period, the flame monitoring developed by CIRCE to SECIL has been finished and both the final definition of the clinker monitoring system and the development of the first part of the system has been achieved and its tested successfully in laboratory demonstrator at AIMEN. Finally, monitoring infrastructure and the control strategy has been defined. Additionally, beta version of the DSS for each demo case has been done.

For the demo sites, different activities have been performed in the second period:
1)TCID: digital twin and CFD simulations. Engineering and installation for the retrofitted heat recuperator. Validation by melting 9 different frits in the retrofitted furnace. Improved high temperature recuperator. Feedstocks optimized in the production optimizing process draining smelter.
2)SECIL: Development of the CFD simulations of the rotary kiln. It is possible to combust high shares of RDF in the cement rotary kiln, even without significant changes to the burner design, but high reactive fuel to the fuel mixture is necessary to compensate for the deteriorated combustion behaviour of the RDF. Sensors have been installed.
3)ASAS: Development of the CFD simulations of the melting furnace and three different head burners by IEN. Design and construction of the oxygen lance, O2 level measurement system and delacquering system by STEK. Detailed engineering and design of control system. And commissioning and installation of all equipments.
4)FENO and SILCOTUB: design and construction of the innovative burner by HTT and CFD simulations by CSM. Commissioning of installation and carry out the first tests. Start with the feasibility study of waste heat utilization.
6)FERTIBERIA: Development of the CFD and DT. Tests in pilot plant. Detailed engineering of the novel reactor. Preparation for commissioning.

Additionally, definition of common framework for data collection and monitoring on the demo sites, start with the fine tuning of the developments has been done.

Besides, within business plan and exploitation, update Background and Foreground, analyse synergies, start with the business models and regulatory and standardization analysis has been done.

Finally, a successful social media campaign, several event organisations and the participation in national and international conferences have been corried out. Besides, development of training modules and e-learning platform have been started.
The main expected results can be summarised below and all are ongoing:
1) DSS Tool: Beta version of the DSS is already finished and demo partners are now testing it
2) In-line H2SO4 reactor for NPK process: Detailed engineering of the novel reactor developed
3) Aluminium furnace redesing towards scrap use: Aluminium melting furnace O2 injector system and delacquering drum system have been designed, installed and commisionned
4) Flame monitoring & diagnosis: The flame monitoring development has been finished successfully. Now automated labelling algorithms have been developed and it has been started a clustering of the videos
5) Multi-spectral FTIR sensors for product quality: The final definition of the clinker monitoring system and the development of the first part of the system has been achieved and its tested successfully in laboratory demonstrator. The second part of the clinker monitoring system has also been launched in parallel and part of the mechanical structure is already finished. First tests have been done for simulating clinker flow movement in conveyor pipe
6) Multi fuel burner for a rotatory kiln: It is possible to combust high shares of RDF in the cement rotary kiln, even without significant changes to the burner design, but some of the high reactive fuel (such as hydrogen, biomass, light oil, etc.) to the fuel mixture could be necessary to compensate for the deteriorated combustion behaviour of the RDF.
7) Advanced monitoring and control for frits smelter: Engineering and installation of new sensors and equipment were carried out successfully

These foreseen impacts are all ongoing, altough some of them have some updates:
Impacts 1 to 4 not calculated yet
5) Increase in the overall plant performance: DSS is helping to this impact
6) Increased monitoring plant conditions: the sensors and the monitor & control system created has incresas the monitoring of the plant conditions
7) Improved control capabilities: DSS is helping to this impact
8) A more sustainable use of feedstock: TCID is reducing the feedstock waste, SECIL is increasing the use of RDF, ASAS is increasing the scrap taht they can use, FENO and SILCOTUB are using plastic byproducts as new feedstock and FTIB is using ashes as P alternative
9) Improved health and safety conditions: for example, in TCID has reduced the risk of the employees for checking the amount of the heap using the new monitoring system.
Impacts 10 to 13 not evluated yet