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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Awareness Raising and capacity building Increasing ADoption of EGNSS in urbaN mobility Applications and services


The role and challenges of GNSS for the Urban Mobility market

Report describing the urban mobility market and its evolution, the industry of GNSS suppliers for this market, the main services enabled by GNSS and a list of challenges related to geopositioning that are not solved yet.

Report on activities and recommendations of the Technology suppliers group

Document reporting the main conclusions and recommendations provided by the Technology Suppliers Group

Report on activities and recommendations of GALILEO City Forum

Document describing the main activities and conclusions of the group meetings

Project identity, website and social networks

Creation of a logo at the start of a project, a graphic charter will be developed and will feed the creation of all the different templates (Word, PowerPoint, etc.). A dedicated website will be developed, regularly fed and will serve as a download point for project related information and deliverables. ARIADNA will also be present on specific social media such as Twitter and LinkedIn with dedicated accounts.

Communication materials

A general project brochure will be published online (pdf) and used as a handout at events, meetings, fairs and conferences. A roll-up and other communication materials will be produced. Digital e-newsletters will be sent out regularly (4 in total).

White Paper EGNSS technology and innovation in Urban Mobility

A comprehensive document that will be used to approach key stakeholders showcasing EGNSS benefits and best practices. It will be both edited as printable PDF doc and slide presentations.

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