Verstehen der Auswirkungen von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) auf Kinder
Kinder fühlen sich von der digitalen Technologie angezogen, aber es ist noch nicht klar, wie reif sie dafür sind. Wie und in welchem Ausmaß wird das Verhalten von Kindern durch Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) beeinflusst? Das EU-finanzierte Projekt DIGYMATEX beabsichtigt, evidenzbasierte Instrumente anzubieten, die das Verständnis und die Abschätzung der Auswirkungen von IKT auf das Verhalten von Kindern unterstützen können. Das erste Instrument besteht aus einem fortgeschrittenen und marktreifen Digital Youth Maturity Index (DYMI), einem Cloud-basierten quelloffenen Instrument. Der DYMI wird zur Entwicklung einer integrativen Taxonomie beitragen, die die Interessengruppen über die Langzeitwirkung der IKT auf das Verhalten von Kindern und Jugendlichen informiert. Das zweite Instrument besteht aus einer Lösung, die auf der Entwicklung des DiGYou-Programms basiert. Beide Instrumente werden zu einer sichereren und profitableren Nutzung der IKT beitragen.
The overall goal of DIGYMATEX is to provide evidence-based tools that will assist in understanding and measuring children’s digital maturity. These tools are intended to be used e.g. by families, schools, and policy stakeholders. The first tool is the development of an innovative and market-ready instrument - the Digital Youth Maturity Index (DYMI) – as a cloud-based open-access tool in order to establish and implement a comprehensive understanding and taxonomy of children’s digital maturity leading to the prediction and explanation of benefits and risks regarding children’s ICT-related behaviour. The Digital Youth Maturity Index will act as a measurement tool for classification and segmentation of user groups as well as a behavioural prediction tool based on machine-learning techniques. The second tool is the development and application of the DiGYou-program - a technology-related solution and recommendation program, which is based on as well as supports the application of the DYMI. The two innovative tools will directly target the main impact goals associated with the call. With the Digital Youth Maturity Index (DMYI), the project will be able to develop and implement a comprehensive taxonomy, which will inform relevant stakeholders and practitioners on the long-term effects of ICT on child behaviour. Furthermore, with the DMYI in combination with the DigYou3-program, we will develop concrete solutions in order to contribute to a safer and more beneficial use of digital technologies by children and we will be able to formulate recommendations in support of national and European policies in the field. DYGIMATEX - builds on an inter-disciplinary, multi-method approach by integrating expertise, methods and knowledge from different research areas like business management, psychology, sociology, neuroscience, media and information systems, as well as industry partners (i.e. from IOT, food, telecommunication) and policy stakeholders (i.e. education, EU policy).
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
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RIA - Research and Innovation actionKoordinator
8000 Aarhus C