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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) federation for large scale adoption of digital technologies by European SMEs


Starker technologischer Schub für kleine Unternehmen

Die Digitalisierung transformiert die Art, wie wir Geschäfte machen, da neue Praktiken und Möglichkeiten geschaffen werden. Aus diesem Grund gehört die Beschleunigung der Innovationen von KMU, besonders derjenigen, die nicht der Technologiebranche angehören, zu den obersten Prioritäten Europas. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt DigiFed wird ein Geschäftsmodell für die Nachhaltigkeit des Verbands der digitalen Innovationszentren entwickeln. Dieses Modell baut auf kollaborativen Investitionen und verringerten Innovationsrisiken auf. Das Projekt wird cyber-physische und eingebettete Systeme in den Mittelpunkt stellen und dabei insbesondere Sicherheit und Privatsphäre, Autonomie und die Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Maschine in den Vordergrund rücken. Das übergeordnete Ziel des Projekts ist es, KMU die Unterstützung zu bieten, die sie benötigen, um digitale Technologien in ihre Produkte und Dienste einzuführen. Dazu wird es sechs digitale Innovationszentren aus verschiedenen Ländern zusammenbringen und diese mit weiteren Innovationszentren und Netzwerken verknüpfen, um ein EU-weites Angebot für nachhaltige, grenzüberschreitende digitale Innovationsdienste bieten zu können.


DigiFed, part of SAE initiative, is dedicated to supporting EU industries to digitalise their product & services and reaching new markets enabled by Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) & Embedded Systems.
DigiFed gathers twelve partners with expertise in digital technologies and/or innovation management from nine EU countries.
The main aim of DigiFed is to accelerate and promote the digitalisation of European companies by providing significant support mechanisms for individual and groups of SMEs and Midcaps to foster the introduction of digital technologies in their product and service offerings.
DigiFed partnerships are designed to strengthen the European digital ecosystem through the adoption of advanced digital technologies (CPS & embedded systems) and a combination of regional, national and European funding instruments so that SMEs and midcaps can benefit from knowledge sharing regardless of their location. Three main innovation pathways are proposed to EU companies.
· Applications Experiment (AE) with an innovative model of “TWIN AE” involving two cross-border SMEs/midcaps, one of which is of a low digital maturity level”
Two explorative services for DIH will be trialled involving the following co-funding schemes:
· Generic Experiments (GE) are designed to test new collaborations between research centres and a group of SMEs and midcaps as well as evaluate new co-financing mechanisms between European and regional funding to foster European industry digitalization. DigiFed targets to launch 3 GE Communities.
· Digital Challenge (DC) will experiment with new co-funding mechanisms with large European organisations -the Digital Challenge Owners (DCOs). Advanced digital technology SMEs will be selected through an open call to solve the challenge proposed by the DCOs. The purpose of the Digital Challenge is to highlight attractive market needs to be addressed through CPS and embedded systems and for which new solutions are required. DigiFed aims to launch 3 Digital Challenges.
Altogether, DigiFed aims to involve at least 200 EU SMEs and midcaps with different Digital maturity levels and from all markets including sectors with low digital penetration. A minimum of 80 EU companies will receive Cascade Funding support through one of DigiFed’s innovation pathways.
Finally, DigiFed aims to foster interaction between European Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs). The DigiFed consortium already involves six well-established DIHs from different countries and will expand its network through collaboration with other DIHs aiming at fostering cross-border sustainable collaboration and improving the services given by the European DIH network.

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