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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Memristive and multiferroic materials for emergent logic units in nanoelectronics

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MELON (Memristive and multiferroic materials for emergent logic units in nanoelectronics)

Berichtszeitraum: 2020-04-01 bis 2023-03-31

To make a machine think like a human we should overcome the tyranny of the deterministic binary logic, inherent to the contemporary electronic circuits. While the realization of this emergent approach has long been suggested as a multi-valued and neuromorphic architecture of the logic units, the problem is that we haven’t discovered a material system that could implement it. Right now, silicon-based transistors can operate as “on” and “off”, so the new materials would have to find to consistently maintain more states and emulate the plasticity and self-organization of neuronal connections. It’s against this background we develop the Consortium within the RISE action “MELON”, involving academic members from EU Member States, France, Netherlands, and Spain, from a partner country, Argentina, and the SME from the associated country, Ukraine, with the objective to develop the innovative materials platform for the realization of the emergent computing circuits. We target three focus areas:
(i) to explore novel memristive oxide-based systems on silicon, with history-dependent conductivity, for emulating the neuronal connections in the brain,
(ii) to use the nano-scale multiferroic materials, hosting the multistable topological states to realize the multi-valued logic, and
(iii) to explore conducting 2D oxide interfaces as both novels 4-point memristive systems and interconnect elements for the computing circuits.
The MELON research brings forth significant advancements in the field of memristors, multi-valued logic (MVL) in multiferroics, and 2D interface gates, contributing to the evolution of future computing technologies.
The MELON project has yielded key advancements in memristors, multi-valued logic (MVL) in multiferroics, and 2D interface gates, shaping the future of computing technologies.
In memristors, we've uncovered the response mechanisms in specific systems, achieved both non-volatile and volatile resistive changes, and optimized the fabrication conditions of certain structures.
For MVL in multiferroics, we've utilized properties of strained films of select ferroelectric oxides to achieve multilevel hysteresis loops. These films offer multiple polarization states and reveal opportunities in manipulating topological structures.
Regarding 2D interface gates, our investigation into BaBiO3/BaSnO3 interfaces has highlighted the complex conditions for inducing 2D Electron Gas behavior and the need for a potential contingency measure, BaScO3 perovskite, due to the instability of BBO.
Overall, MELON's findings present a solid foundation for further exploration in memristors, MVL in multiferroics, and 2D interface gates.

During the first period of the project,
- 3 International conferences, 2 training workshops, and 9 coordination meetings were organized.
- 33 scientific peer-reviewed articles were published in international peer-reviewed journals. They collected 291 citations, H-index=9. The majority, about 50% of the publications present the joint results of several Partners and are done in co-authorship; 72% of publications were done in collaboration with other ongoing EU-HORIZON projects, and two articles are published in the highest-rank journals of Nature group. Approximately five publications are now “in print”. All these publications have open-access facilities, green or gold.
- 2 Joint Ph.D. theses are ongoing.
- 6 outdoor outreach presentations in schools, universities, and at public events, communicating information about neuromorphic nanotechnologies and innovative engineering solutions were held. The information was also communicated through the project website ( (3086 visits) and in the popular scientific Internet editions “SciTechDaily Daily”, and “Scientia” reposted by more than hundreds of news-makers.
- The research activity was presented at 39 research conferences, workshops, meetings, and trainings, involving a broad multisectoral audience. About 3800 persons of different target groups were reached.
The MELON project, unique in its integration of non-binary calculations and oxide interfaces, is set to revolutionize computing hardware for high-performance, low-power calculations. The innovative cross-disciplinary training involving nanomaterials in ICT is expected to foster the emergence of experts bridging materials functionalities and logical operations.

Our expected results are:
- To explore memristive and volatile resistive switches based on epitaxial perovskite oxides on silicon, emulating the electrical behaviour of neurons and synapses.
- To utilize nano-scale multiferroic materials with multistable topological states for multi-valued logic, employing strained ferroelectric films and ferroelectric nano-samples.
- To investigate 2D electron gases and superconductivity at oxide interfaces for developing a 4-terminal gate as an interconnecting element in computing circuits.
- To establish a robust international network at the intersection of physics, material sciences, chemistry, and engineering, fostering academia-industry collaborations.
- To cultivate clusters of ESRs equipped with complementary competencies, including highly specific technical skills, professional skills, and soft skills.

The project's impacts include:
A. Advancing the EU’s Digital Single Market policy for High-Performance Computing.
B. Boosting non-binary computing, enhancing energy efficiency, execution speed, robustness, and learning capacity.
C. Bridging the innovation skills gap between industry and academia.
D. Increasing private investments in research and innovation through industry partners.
E. Incorporating talented ESRs from third countries in the rapidly developing field of smart nanomaterials.
F. Establishing the consortium as a leader in the exploration of nanomaterials for non-binary logic-based computing circuits.
G. Forming a strong group of experts within Argentina's research agency, CONICET, capable of tackling emergent problems of material physics.
H. Disseminating European human values and research strategies internationally, fostering new collaborative links.