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The game changer drug to cure alcohol use disorders


Neue medikamentöse Therapie gegen Alkoholmissbrauch

Alkoholismus bzw. Alkoholmissbrauch ist EU- und weltweit ein großes Problem. Die Standardtherapie ist die Entgiftung, allerdings muss der Patient bei dieser enormen körperlichen und psychischen Belastung unterstützt werden, um die Sucht zu überwinden. Derzeitige medikamentöse Therapien sind nicht optimal und gehen oft mit schweren Nebenwirkungen einher. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt StopAddict arbeitet an einer Lösung und bringt mit KT-110 ein neues Arzneimittel auf den Markt. Der völlig neue medikamentöse Ansatz wurde von der französischen Firma Kinnov-Therapeutics für Patientinnen und Patienten entwickelt, die ihren Alkoholkonsum reduzieren wollen. Nach zwanzig Jahren Forschung und vorklinischer Entwicklung steht mit KT-110 nun ein Wirkstoff zur Verfügung, der einen neu entdeckten Signalweg für Alkoholabhängigkeit maßgeblich beeinflusst.


Alcohol use disorders (AUD) is a disease characterised by uncontrolled alcohol consumption. 283 million persons worldwide suffer from alcohol mise use which cause more than 3 million dead and 132.6 million disability-adjusted life years. Alcoholism has also huge damaging effects on families, communities and the overall society. Current drug therapies against AUD are unsuccessful due to poor efficacy and strong side effects. That situation leads to low patient recovery and only 10% of AUD people seeking for treatment.
In this context, Kinnov-Therapeutics has developed a new revolutionary first-in-class drug allowing patients to control their alcohol consumption. KT-110 drug will highly impact the European burden of AUD by decreasing alcohol consumption on AUD patients by 70% leading to triple the number of AUD people seeking for treatments and save more than 5 million lives per year and several billion of social cost expenses. The efficacy of KT-110 is related to its action on a newly discovered pathway highly implicated in alcohol addiction. This major understanding of AUD addiction mechanism was granted the European college of neuropsychopharmacology Neuropsychopharmacology Award in 2009.
After 20 years of intensive research and pre-clinical development, KT-110 has been accepted by the french regulatory agency for its first-in man phase II clinical trial by the end of 2018. This will be the main achievement of SMEi2 project. Moreover, all necessary actions for successful commercialisation to pharma companies (licensing deals) as well as continuous and updated IP and FTO issues are planned to be implemented during the SMEi2.
Through StopAddict project KT-110 will become the next leader of AUD treatments by generating €117m of cumulative revenues between 2025-2027. Our project will also allow to create more than 400 direct and indirect European jobs.

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