CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

The Smartphone Payment Scheme for Europe


Eine clevere Art, in Geschäften zu zahlen

Moderne Zahlungsmethoden haben Bargeld, Schecks und sogar Kreditkarten schnell ersetzt. Die Kreditkartennetze (Visa und Mastercard) und elektronische Zahlungsinstrumente (PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Wallet) haben jedoch alle ihren Firmensitz in den Vereinigten Staaten, wodurch sich für die EU-Finanzbranche eine ungünstige Situation ergibt. Das Ergebnis ist eine konstante Gefahr, Einnahmen aus Transaktionen zu verlieren. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt Bluecode schlägt eine fortschrittliche mobile Zahlungslösung vor, mit der europäische Unternehmen den gesamten bargeldlosen Zahlungsverkehr abwickeln können. Der Prozess stellt auf der Basis von Barcodes (Token) Anonymität, Sicherheit und Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Cyberbedrohungen sicher. Der Markt für bargeldlose Zahlungen in Europa wächst kontinuierlich und bis 2020 sollen 20 % der Transaktionen mit der Lösung Blue Code durchgeführt werden.


Cash has been the most popular payment method for centuries, but it is quite cumbersome and expensive. Decades ago, the payment possibilities were broadened with cheques and debit/credit cards, and recently a new generation of alternatives brought by FinTech companies is disrupting the industry with eWallets, contactless payment, etc. However, most of these new payment tools inevitably involve resorting to USA-based card networks (Visa and MasterCard) and electronic payment tools (PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Wallet). This represents a dramatic situation for the European financial industry, threatened to lose the revenues generated by the transactions but also the ‘emotional’ link with customers and even the whole payment process (consumers migrating to USA banks).
How can we help tackling this challenge? Blue Code is an innovative mobile payment solution that will avoid the need of resorting to USA players to conduct the non-cash payments in Europe. Through our 100% European payment scheme, the entire payment process is conducted with European entities, so all the revenues and customer interface remains internally. Besides, we assure ‘security by design’ through an innovative payment method based on barcodes (Tokens) that keeps all the process anonymous, so no sensitive data like name, address or bank account is managed, and thus there are no possibilities of hacking of misuse.
In Europe, 130 billion non-cash transactions are performed each year and this number is growing 6.5% annually. The alternative payment methods like Blue Code are increasing its relevance and are estimated to process 20% of the total cashless transactions by 2020, taking one third of the total revenues generated, thus a total addressable market of €22 billion. Thanks to the technical advances and commercial milestones brought by this project, we estimate to generate €19.6 million cumulative profit by 2022 and 14 new job positions.

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