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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Anchored Muscle cELls for IncontinencE

Descripción del proyecto

Un método regenerativo específico para tratar la incontinencia

La incontinencia fecal (IF) es la incapacidad para controlar los movimientos intestinales, lo que provoca pérdidas involuntarias de heces. El proyecto AMELIE, financiado con fondos europeos, comprende un consorcio altamente interdisciplinar de expertos que proponen un nuevo tratamiento regenerativo mediante células autógenas derivadas del músculo esquelético estriado para restablecer la función del esfínter anal. Los científicos unirán células autógenas derivadas del músculo esquelético estriado a microtransportadores implantables para mejorar la administración y el injerto de células en pacientes con IF. Este método se evaluará en un ensayo clínico aleatorizado. Se prevé que el tratamiento mejore la viabilidad celular y aumente la probabilidad de regeneración muscular, lo que ayudará a paliar la IF.


Faecal incontinence (FI) is a common condition affecting ~67 million people in Europe, seriously impairing living and productivity of affected individuals and their families. Women with FI arising from childbirth injury may benefit from regenerative medicine using autologous skeletal muscle derived cells (ASMDC) to restore function of damaged sphincter muscle. However, progress is hindered by sub-optimal manufacturing and delivery techniques contributing to inconsistent results. AMELIE proposes an innovative approach that uses ASMDC attached to implantable microcarriers that will enable delivery of a higher number of viable ASMDC into the damaged sphincter muscle, increasing the likelihood of cell engraftment, regeneration of muscle and improved continence. To achieve this, AMELIE will develop bespoke implantable microcarriers suitable for clinical use; establish robust bioprocessing for manufacture of the cell-microcarrier combination; and for the first time, robustly test, in a randomised clinical trial, the principle that delivery of ASMDC in an anchored, natural state, provides more effective and consistent treatment. AMELIE comprises a highly interdisciplinary, gender balanced, consortium of internationally recognised experts and key-opinion leaders with relevant experience from academia and industry across Europe in the fields of engineering (IST, PS, UCL, NHSBT), biological sciences (NHSBT, UCL, IISFJD), and translational regenerative medicine (QMUL, MUG, AUH, AU, RUH, UHE, IISFJD, CVBF). BCR will lead dissemination activity and stakeholder interaction with patients and the public, healthcare professionals, industry and third party FI charities across Europe to establish reciprocal dialogue with people that will interact with the new technology throughout the lifetime of the AMELIE project. TTOP will lead knowledge management and exploitation to develop a marketing strategy and business plan to facilitate future exploitation of the technology to ensure patient benefit.

Ámbito científico (EuroSciVoc)

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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 4 488 266,11
WC1E 6BT London
Reino Unido

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Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 4 488 266,11

Participantes (12)