CORDIS bietet Links zu öffentlichen Ergebnissen und Veröffentlichungen von HORIZONT-Projekten.
Links zu Ergebnissen und Veröffentlichungen von RP7-Projekten sowie Links zu einigen Typen spezifischer Ergebnisse wie Datensätzen und Software werden dynamisch von OpenAIRE abgerufen.
List of prizes, provided by partners of the Bulgarian organizers
Communication planCommunication plan for the contest. Mostly focused on media.
EUCYS 2019 scientific and cultural programmeSpecific programme for the parallel activities, cultural and scientific.
Analysis on alumni structuresAn analysis of the existing youth science initiatives alumni structures with perspectives for the establishment and development of an alumni structure for EUCYS
Final reportFinal report on the project
EUCYS 2019 programmeSchedule for the activities during the contest
EUCYS 2019 Contest BookContest book with abstracts, official statements etc.
Media monitoringReport on the Media presence of EUCYS2019
Feedback reportReport on the feedback from participants, national organizers, and partners
Management of website and social media accounts
"Due to the nature of EUCYS, data collection for research purposes will be very limited if any. Nonetheless, the organisers will provide a summary, and the data itself, according to the principle ""as open as possible, as closed as necessary"""
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