Aktives und intelligentes Erdbebenschutzgerät
Seismische Systeme sind Teil der Überwachung von Erdbebenaktivität. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt ISAAC wird unter der Bezeichnung ISAAC-AMD ein intelligentes Gerät für den Erdbebenschutz von Gebäuden bereitstellen. Dabei handelt es sich um das erste patentierte aktive antiseismische Gerät auf dem europäischen Markt. In Hinsicht auf Flexibilität, Nichtinvasivität, Kosten und Installationszeit stellt es die bestmögliche Lösung dar. Es bietet eine Bauwerksüberwachungs-Dienstleistung und eine direkt in das Produkt integrierte Analyse nach Erdbeben, die bislang noch nie auf dem Markt vorgestellt wurde. Der von ISAAC hauptsächlich anvisierte Markt umfasst Stahlbetongebäude und Stahlbaukonstruktionen in stark erdbebengefährdeten Gebieten.
The ISAAC-AMD is a smart device for the seismic protection of already existent buildings, first patented active anti-seismic
device proposed in the European market. ISAAC-AMD is the best solution in terms of versatility, noninvasiveness, and
installation time and very competitive in terms of costs. Moreover, it offers a structure monitoring service and a post-earthquake
analysis directly integrated in the product that has never been presented in the market before.
Placed on the top floor of the building, it is made by an inertial actuator and motion sensors placed on the structure to be
protected from the seismic event. Once positioned on the structure, the system autonomously identifies an accurate and
continuously updated dynamic model of the building on which it is installed. As soon as the structure is stroked by a seismic
event, the device counteracts the motion of the building, ensuring the safety and comfort of the tenants. The system is also
able to continuously monitor the building, analysing its stability and safety 24/7. This makes the maintenance operations
targeted and reduces the time required for the post-earthquake analysis after a seismic event.
The market targeted by ISAAC consists of reinforced concrete and steel buildings located in high seismic risk area. With Italy as
the initial pilot country, and a potential market of 119 billion€ and considering as main customers the facility management and re-
engineering companies and taking into account the substitutes already present in the market, an effective market of 53 million €
has been identified, to be addressed in the first 5 years.
Based on ISAAC’s social impact estimations, globally, in the first 10 years a total of 2,358 buildings will be retrofitted and
monitored, a total of 14,148 devices sold, implying 16,506 people safer in their houses and 2,5 billion€ saved by the
government for reconstruction after a seismic event. Moreover, this would create job opportunities for around 30 people.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
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SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1Koordinator
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