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QOOWEAR, Advanced Connected Worker Technologies: World’s first Smart Interconnected Heating Suite for sub-zero Oil&Gas workers.

Descrizione del progetto

La tuta di riscaldamento intelligente migliora la sicurezza per i lavoratori che operano a temperature sotto zero

Oltre 9 milioni di persone in tutto il mondo lavorano in ambienti sotto zero, fra cui 200 000 in impianti di estrazione di petrolio e gas naturale nell’Europa settentrionale. Proteggerli adeguatamente senza ostacolarne i movimenti è un problema speciale risolto da QOOWEAR attraverso l’esclusiva «Smart Interconnected Heating Suit» (SIHS). Questo indumento riscaldante controllato dall’IA è dotato di sensori integrati che monitorano l’ambiente circostante, rilevano le parti del corpo più fredde e le riscaldano. Il «lavoratore collegato» indossa la tuta ultraleggera e antisudore a diretto contatto con la pelle come strato di base. Oltre ad aumentare l’efficienza lavorativa, il sistema consente alle aziende di monitorare la salute dei lavoratori e prevedere le condizioni di pericolo attraverso l’uso dei dati biologici raccolti, avvertendo l’azienda con avvisi pop-up.


"QOOWEAR’s project aims at addressing the Oil& Gas industry technological challenge to create and adopt a technology that could process data from monitoring systems embedded in workers’ equipment – a concept known as ""Connected Worker"".
In 2017 the World Economic Forum stated that “The Oil&Gas Industry entails risky activities and the potential for connected worker technologies to improve safety is particularly relevant”.

QOOWEAR will bring to the market the World’s First Smart Interconnected Heating Suite (SIHS) to the Oil&Gas workers, a radically innovative system which recognizes the coldest points of the body, giving them the priority to be heated. It is a base-layer, worn in contact with the skin, 100% embeddable into existing equipment. The hardware embeds sensors to check the environment around the body in real time, to decide where and how much it needs to be heated.
At the same time, the Suite embeds a Software as a Service (SAAS), representing a deep value proposition of the project, which will enable workers’ data bio-tracking. Thanks to the connected worker system, companies will be able to monitor state of health of workers in real time and in remote, based on pattern recognition’s algorithms (AI). Those algorithms allow the prediction and anticipation of safety risks on the field, generating automatic alarms in case of real emergency (pop-up alerts via Dashboard).

This project aims at improving the living condition of people who work in subzero environments, that corresponds approximately to 9 Million workers worldwide. Specifically, QOOWEAR will address the North European Oil&Gas market, that is the Service Available Market (SAM) composed of 220.000 workers. Moreover, benchmark analysis has shown the lack of direct competitors.

QOOWEAR’s Team has capabilities both in terms of technology track record and business administration, with members of the NASA and Co-founders with engineering background.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 50 000,00
73100 LECCE

Mostra sulla mappa


L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Sud Puglia Lecce
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 71 429,00