Descrizione del progetto
Migliorare le capacità di innovazione delle PMI ucraine
In Ucraina le PMI svolgono un ruolo considerevole nella crescita dell’economia nazionale. Il progetto EEN-Ukraine, finanziato dall’UE, intende aumentare il potenziale di innovazione e le competenze di gestione dell’innovazione delle PMI ucraine di tutto il paese. L’obiettivo principale del progetto consiste nel coadiuvare le aziende con il potenziale di crescita internazionale attraverso prodotti, processi, servizi o il sostegno al modello aziendale. Il consorzio di EEN-Ukraine incentiverà le PMI a partecipare allo strumento per le PMI di Orizzonte 2020 e ai programmi COSME, fornendo servizi di gestione dei clienti strategici e di miglioramento delle capacità di gestione dell’innovazione ai beneficiari del programma pilota del Consiglio europeo per l’innovazione di Orizzonte 2020. La strategia del progetto si basa sull’individuazione dei punti deboli nelle capacità di innovazione e sulla scoperta di modi per aumentare il potenziale di innovazione delle organizzazioni prive di un sostegno professionale.
The overall/general objective of this proposal is to increase innovation potential and innovation management skills within
SMEs in the all regions of Ukraine and to assist SMEs with potential for international growth via product, process, service or
business model support. The project will follow a defined methodology to help regional businesses to increase their
innovation capacity, to innovate profitably and also to successfully implement their innovative ideas on the competitive
market. The EEN-Ukraine Consortium intends to enhance innovation capacity of SMEs by encouragement their participation
in Horizon 2020 projects and provision of KAM and EIMC services for SME beneficiaries of the H2020 European Innovation Council pilot. The secondary target group will be R&D organisations that will benefit from EEN services as well. The specific objectives for reaching the overall / general objective are as follows:
- promote and support SMEs from Ukraine in participation on the H2020 SME Instrument and COSME programmes;
- identify weaknesses in the innovation capacities of the beneficiary that hinder the realization of growth opportunities and of
the full commercial potential of SME Instrument participants;
- identify suitable coaches to address the identified weaknesses and moderating the coach-client relationship;
- increase the innovation potential of SMEs lacking professional support in the field of innovation management;
- help SMEs to select the most appropriate coach;
- explain and sell the benefits of the SME Instrument's coaching service to potential beneficiaries;
- facilitate the SME- coach relationship and ensure the effective teamwork and co-operation between the SME;
- secure close cooperation links between the Consortium and the H2020 National Contact Point, regional stakeholders and
other business and research support institutions;
- accompany the beneficiary through the SME instrument project;
- make the innovation system of Ukrainian SME more effective.
Meccanismo di finanziamento
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinatore
03680 Kyiv