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Services to enhance the innovation management capacity of SMEs in macro-region 1 in Romania

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - InnoCap Transylvania (Services to enhance the innovation management capacity of SMEs in macro-region 1 in Romania)

Berichtszeitraum: 2020-01-01 bis 2021-12-31

The main objective of this action was to increase efficiency and effectiveness of innovation processes of regional beneficiaries of SME instrument and SMEs with significant innovation activities and high potential for internationalization and digitalization.
Most of the clients were already registered in the EEN Consortium database and few were identified promoting others EEN Network services. The benefits of the services offered where presented in details to each client.
The WP1 -"Key Account Manager" under the SME Instrument (KAM) service was delivered to the only one beneficiary of SME Instrument for the phase 2.
The WP2 - “Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacities” of SMEs (EIMC) services were delivered by EEN experts trained by IMP³rove Academy to 46 companies. The experts presented to the clients the IMP³rove on-line platform and the advantages of evaluating the innovation management capacity of the company by assessing the IMP³rove on-line questionnaire, which gives a sober and clearly structured picture of the innovation management performance in comparison to the competitors’ performance.
During the implementation period, only one KAM service package was completed for the only one SME Instrument beneficiary in the region.

The target EIMC services for the two years period is of 43 companies. At the end 46 assessments, either for innovation management, digitalization, were completed for the most innovative companies in the region, able to grow and internationalize.
The clients expect impact on: turnover, profit margin, attracting new sources of funding for innovation, increase number of employees, developing new products / services / processes / markets, financial gain or saving allowed, external cooperation (new business partners, membership in clusters, cooperation with universities, R&D centers, etc.) and IPR (Patents).
As innovation management is a continuous improving process, the expected results imply a continuous evaluation. For the next year, we will be able to evaluate the impact of the innovation strategy and the activities that were undertaken, as in the Innovation results dimension ( regarding no. of employees, financial results, profit etc.) and also estimate future results and impact of the innovative activities / products / services developed at the level of the clients and the international market as well as the impact of innovation correlated activities on the number of applicants to innovation EU funding programs. The increased concern and interest in innovation activities and other correlated events, organisations and partnerships will generate a relatively high socio-economic impact on our region, as by creating new innovation related organisms, organisations, associations, clusters, specialists or parks/institutions and financial opportunities, as well as more active members, and thus generating new work places, new fields of activities, new and improved products / services / business models and international visibility, cooperation and partnerships.