Descrizione del progetto
Migliorare la gestione dell’innovazione delle PMI in Slovenia
Un sondaggio sulle PMI ha rivelato che uno dei principali ostacoli all’innovazione, dalla produzione di un’idea al risultato, è la mancanza di finanziamenti. Il processo di innovazione include anche competenze gestionali e fattori abilitanti, come la cooperazione con partner, clienti e fornitori nel campo della ricerca e sviluppo. Il progetto We4SMESLO 5, finanziato dall’UE, consentirà alle PMI della Slovenia di colmare il divario di conoscenze nella gestione dell’innovazione, acquisendo consapevolezza delle carenze e riqualificando il proprio sistema interno di gestione dell’innovazione. Il progetto valuterà il sistema di innovazione delle PMI sulla base di un sondaggio/strumento standardizzato. Attraverso la formazione, i responsabili dei clienti strategici apporteranno il loro contributo all’innovazione interna delle PMI beneficiarie dello strumento.
"The EC has within its Survey of 2011, carried out on request of DG Enterprise and Industry (DG EI), realized that the main barriers of innovation in the eyes of the SMEs, are lack of financial resources and inability to manage innovation process.
Since different understandings of the term ""Innovation Management System"" (IMS) have been noted the EC has supported European Committee for Standardization to provide the stakeholders with a unified definition of relevant parts in the IMS. According to this definition the most important parts of IMS include company's innovation processes from idea generation to innovation result, but also leadership, management skills and other enabling factors, like the ability to cooperate with third parties like RD partners, clients, and suppliers.
The objective of this project in Slovenia is to enable SMEs to bridge the knowledge gap in innovation management, get aware of shortages and improve their internal innovation management system and/or focus on achieving market value with their inventions. The consortium will achieve this objectives with providing:
1.) Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs. The beneficiaries will receive diagnostic of their innovation system based on the standardized IMP³rove tool. This will lead to the formation of tailored action plan to improve the SME’s capacity to better manage innovation.
2.) Key Account Managers – Facilitators for the H2020 SME Instrument. Key Account Managers will identify and source appropriate lead coaches (from predefined pool of coaches), facilitate linking the SMEs to innovation support services and to support the lead coach in delivering services to the SME. The SME Instrument participants will receive the most appropriate services and support to enhance the probability of successful exploitation of the innovation project and to leave a footprint for the future sustainable growth of these beneficiaries."
Meccanismo di finanziamento
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinatore
1000 Ljubljana