CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Heating Electric-fields in a Plasma CVD reactor to Heighten Ability to grow Eeco-friendly and Sublime Type IIA Diamonds (which are Unique Stones)


Fortschrittliche Technologie für Diamanten aus dem Labor

Diamanten sind ein seltenes, luxuriöses und teures Produkt, das sowohl von der Hightech- als auch von der Schmuckindustrie verwendet wird. Diamanten werden unterirdisch in Minen, Flussbetten und auf dem Meeresboden entdeckt. Die Abbaubedingungen lassen jedoch ethische und ökologische Bedenken aufkommen, die sich auf die Produktion auswirken. Infolgedessen ist die Diamantenindustrie mit einer Rohstoffknappheit konfrontiert. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt HEPHAESTUS schlägt eine einzigartige, umweltfreundliche und kostengünstige Methode zur Züchtung von Diamanten im Labor vor. Bei dieser innovativen Methode werden Diamantsamen in einem plasmachemische Gasphasenabscheidungsverfahren platziert, das kohlenstoffhaltige Samen in Diamanten umwandelt. Diese fortschrittliche Technologie basiert auf einem durch Mikrowellenplasma aktivierten chemischen Reaktionsprozess im Nichtgleichgewicht, der die Züchtung von hochwertigen Diamanten für den Markt für feinsten Schmuck ermöglicht.


Diamonds form deep inside the Earth and they require extensive resources and time to discover. Naturally occurring diamonds can be found through open-pit or underground deep-earth mining or in riverbeds and ocean floor. Diamonds have fantastic properties allowing various tech and high-tech applications in the industry. They can also be used in the luxury business for their beauty, quality, cut and colours. But mined diamonds are a finite resource considering the extreme and rare occurrence of natural surroundings in which it can be formed so that the whole diamond industry now faces depletion of raw materials.

DIAM CONCEPT leverages 30 years of research in the fields of plasma physics at CNRS LSPM related to diamond growth in laboratory. Growing diamonds in lab consists in placing small diamond seeds in highly controlled environment where the diamonds grow layer-by-layer. Plasma enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition is based on high temperature and low-pressure whereby the plasma, generated by excitation of the gases through microwaves activation, leads to transformation of carbon containing species into diamond. DIAM CONCEPT is pushing forward the state of the art so as to be able to grow thick diamonds of the purest form known to man. The technology is based on a non-equilibrium microwave plasma-activated chemical reaction process in a large resonant cavity operating at 915 MHz. This process allows to grow colourless >VS1 Type IIA diamonds and adresses the finest jewellery market. Our diamond will be branded as symbol of modern love by representing the incredible progression of technology.

DIAM CONCEPT ambitions to become a leading manufacturer of lab-grown diamonds for jewelry and we have already settled partnerships with 6 top jewellers that are to be enlarge to 10 top jewellers. On the opposite to mined diamonds, our lab-grown diamonds are ethical, respective of environment, have a low carbon impact (around 80 kg/carat), guarantee of origin and cost-efficient.

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