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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

FLExibilize combined cycle power plant through power-to-X solutions using non-CONventional FUels

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - FLEXnCONFU (FLExibilize combined cycle power plant through power-to-X solutions using non-CONventional FUels)

Berichtszeitraum: 2021-10-01 bis 2022-09-30

In order to meet EU 2030 and 2050 Climate and Energy goals, a high penetration of renewable energy sources into the grid are required as well as the use of alternative carbon-free fuels in already existing dispatchable centralised power plants. Combined Cycle Gas Turbine plants will be a crucial technology with the required flexibility to compensate the intermittency of the RES. The injection of alternative fuels (i.e. hydrogen and ammonia will help the required “fuel switch” the EU is facing, drastically reducing CO/CO2/HC emissions, which are more difficult to manage in comparison to NOx. In this context, FLEXnCONFU aims to develop and demonstrate innovative, economically viable and replicable Power-to-X-to-Power (P2X2P) solutions that combines all available options for the effective and flexible use of surplus power from renewable energies to levelling the power plant load convert electricity into hydrogen or ammonia prior to converting it back to power. FLEXnCONFU, covering the whole value chain, is a pioneer “demonstration to market” project which will contribute to the valorisation of European Gas Turbine (GT) and Power to Gas scientific and technological competencies, and to the creation of a clean hydrogen/ammonia society. This solution will be demonstrated up to TRL6 deploying a power-to-ammonia system in a relevant environment (an mGT operating in a smart grid context, Savona lab) and up to TRL7 installing a power-to-hydrogen system in a real operational environment (EDPP Ribatejo power plant). The new FLEXnCONFU layout will unlock the current situation of low operating-hours CCGT power plants by providing secure back-up and improving CCs flexibility as well as overall efficiency, allowing a smoother operation and reducing air pollutant emissions.
During the first reference period, the activities were focused on the analysis of potential layouts of P2P systems to be connected in existing and new power plant. The layouts have been analysed from a techno-economic point of view considering potential barriers and how to overcome them. Starting from these layouts, detailed layouts have been defined specific for the P2H system to be connected to EDPP Ribatejo power plant as well as for the P2A system to be connected to the mGT already installed at Savona laboratory. In both demo sites, the P&ID of the overall system as been discussed and defined including all the aspects related to the health and safety analysis and proper procedures to safety operate them. In parallel, dynamic models have been modelled based on ROM to simulate in a second phase the transient behaviour of the systems. Moreover, the impact of FLEXnCONFU integration on power plant performances have been analyzed together with preliminary evaluation trough CFD analysis and experimental tests on combustion processes for different blends of H2/NH3/NG. All these activities have been supported by the study of EU electrical markets where FLEXnCONFU solutions have higher potential. Finally, activities were focused on the dissemination and communication, also in extra-EU country, for raising the awareness on the project solutions.

During the second reporting period the activities were focused on the finalization of the layouts of the P2P systems and the development of the technologies to be installed in the two demosites. In the P2A system the study to make the Savona's mGT able to work with 100% of ammonia that have been carried out in a strong collaboration between the partners involved. The the CFD simulations of the ammonia combustion have lead to a final strategy to re-adapt the existing combustion chamber and the guidelines to operate the whole system are under evaluation. In the Ribatejo power plant the final layout of the system has been defined and the majority of components designed to be connected with the existing Combined Cycle. The dyanamic models to control the two systems have been finalized as well as the identification of preliminary control strategies. The replication and impact of FLEXnCONFU concept is under evaluation by the most expert partners in the framework of turbomachinery, with the final layouts for both P2A and P2H replication system that have been defined and the preliminary studies in the identified replication sites inizitialized by the respective partners. Finally the dissemination and communication activities to raise awareness on the project significately improved the impact of FLEXnCONFU.
FLEXnCONFU, covering the whole value chain, would be to be a pioneer demonstration to market project which will contribute to the valorisation of European GT and P2G scientific and technological competencies, and to the creation of a clean hydrogen/ammonia society. Its outcomes have the aim to have relevant impacts on all the stakeholders of its value chain: GT OEM, CC/GT plant manager and energy utilities, DSO/TSO, Gas grid operators, P2G technology manufacturers, VPP developers and aggregators.
FLEXnCONFU aims indeed to present to EU GT OEM (which would be able to capitalize their established R&D knowledge about H2 combustion) and to energy utilities a robust (as based on on-the-market enabling technologies) and close-to-the market solution for a profitable current and future key-role of CC and GTs coupling two of the most flexible assets for facilitating RES penetration: P2G and GT. The FLEXnCONFU concept could give a further boost to starting de-mothballing/revamping of EU GTs/CC plants, pushing new installations and retrofitting of already existing power plants giving them a second market chance capitalizing enhanced technological/economic performances. FLEXnCONFU project aims to create new strategies and technologies for power flexibility in natural gas fired Combined Cycle power plans.
Actually, the project is expected to have a relevant impact in terms of replicability of the proposed solutions: on EU economy mobilizing investment in P2P installation, creating jobs and new markets and on EU Policy identifying techno-economically viable scenarios to be promoted by EU policy and regulation for the energy systems decarbonization through the enhancement of CCGT flexibility via P2P solutions and clean energy fuels. The results delivered so far related to flexibility and profitability of reference cycles and dissemination (organisation of launching events, participation to dissemination events etc.) look promising towards the achievement of project impacts.