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Demonstrating a Refinery-Adapted Cluster-Integrated Strategy to Enable Full-Chain CCUS Implementation

Project description

Novel technology could sequester 90 % of CO2 emissions from refineries

Almost everyone now agrees that we should decrease the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) to mitigate climate change. Reducing CO2 production is not the only way to reduce emissions. Carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS) refers to an integrated set of technologies to prevent the CO2 produced during the combustion of fossil fuels from entering the atmosphere. Currently, these technologies focus on the greatest sources of CO2 in a process, ignoring smaller ones. The EU-funded REALISE project is developing a way to capture up to 90 % of CO2 from multiple sources in operating refineries at a cost that is 30 % lower than existing capture methods. The project will include the evaluation of the entire CCUS chain from emitter to storage as well as socio-political aspects and social readiness assessments based on three business cases in the EU and China.


Refining industry is a highly energy-intensive sector with direct CO2 emissions typically ranging from 100 to 200 kg CO2/tonne oil. The challenges related to CCUS lies in taking into account a large number of relatively small sources with various levels of CO2 concentration. Today, CO2 capture from the sources with highest CO2 volume are mainly considered for capturing, leaving out small sources, thus limiting the overall capture rates to 50-60%.
REALISE novel concept will capture up to 90% CO2 from operating refineries by integrating a multi-absorber concept for capturing CO2 from different stacks at 30% lower CO2 capture cost compared to the state-of-the-art technology based on 30 wt% monoethanolamine solution.
The cost reduction potential will be demonstrated in REALISE onsite operating refinery-centered cluster at Cork, Ireland, by using a novel low energy solvent (30% lower energy demand, 70 times lower corrosion, 3 times lower thermal degradation), innovative concepts for reducing oxidative degradation (80% lower active component loss), cheaper construction materials (10% lower CAPEX), intelligent Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (10% lower OPEX compared to operation without NMPC), and optimal integration with the available heat sources.
Assessment of the full CCUS chain from Emitter to Storage will be performed taking advantage of having consortium partner in common with transport and storage projects Northern lights and Cork CCS. Socio-political aspects will be addressed in REALISE and societal readiness index calculated for at least 3 business cases relevant to refineries in EU and China.
REALISE project is driven by a strong industrial consortium, including 9 industrial partners along with the complete technology value-chain. An external Advisory Board will further contribute to replicate the concept thanks to Concawe (association of refineries with 40 industry members), SARAS, and Petroineos.

Call for proposal


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Net EU contribution
€ 2 234 523,75
7034 Trondheim

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Norge Trøndelag Trøndelag
Activity type
Research Organisations
Total cost
€ 2 282 617,50

Participants (16)