Description du projet
Nouveaux essais sur les avions à propulsion électrique répartie
Les avions à propulsion électrique répartie (DEP) pourraient considérablement réduire la consommation de carburant et les émissions nocives de carbone. Le projet VENUS, financé par l’UE, apportera des connaissances importantes sur les performances aérodynamiques et aéroacoustiques d’un large éventail de configurations DEP grâce à des simulations numériques et des essais expérimentaux en soufflerie. Les résultats du projet devraient améliorer la conception future de ces nouveaux avions régionaux. Tous les modèles, données et documents produits seront mis gratuitement à la disposition des institutions de recherche. Des avions plus aérodynamiques et plus silencieux consomment moins de carburant, ce qui se traduit non seulement par des avantages en termes de coûts et de compétitivité, mais aussi par un impact plus faible sur l’environnement.
Distributed Electric Propulsion (DEP), is one of the propulsion configurations that, taking advantage from the Distributed Propulsion concept, is believed to exploit the benefits of electrical engines to drastically reduce fuel consumption and emissions. In the framework of the topic JTI-CS2-2018-CFP10-THT-08, the proposal VENUS will have the objective to understand the physics behind the aeroacoustics of DEP through a deep theoretical, experimental and numerical study. Appropriate numerical procedures for DEP noise assessment will be set-up and experimental data-set obtained in dedicated wind tunnel tests, will be used both as experimental DEP noise validation reference and for providing support to the identification of the main parameters affecting DEP noise. Technologies for DEP noise reduction will be studied as well and tested experimentally. From the technical standpoint, the VENUS consortium will support the model design, manufacturing and integration by realizing a representative test article for WT parametric aeroacoustic tests, able to allow for configuration changes, in terms of engine-wing and engine-engine installation configurations, and to test the selected noise mitigation technologies. The consortium will develop methods and tools enabling a concurrent aerodynamic and aeroacoustic design of DEP configuration aircraft. The final step will consist in the experimental-numerical assessment of the numerical models. As a practical achievement, the study will support the design of a new regional aircraft configuration, in terms of wing and engines’ installation, to target a DEP which is optimized in terms of aerodynamic and aeroacoustic performance. It is pointed out that all the produced models, data and documents will be open access for other institutions, with the objective to establish an “open test-case” for the whole European scientific community, unique in the aircraft design landscape.
Champ scientifique
Régime de financement
RIA - Research and Innovation actionCoordinateur
00154 Roma