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Start Learning in 3D-Worlds with Powerful Memo-Techniques

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Memorix (Start Learning in 3D-Worlds with Powerful Memo-Techniques)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2019-12-01 al 2020-03-31

While only a small part of the global education market is digitized, the rapid increase in connectedness, introduction of social, mobile, analytics, and cloud technologies has facilitated the adoption of eLearning solutions. In addition, AI can be utilized to personalize the teaching and VR is a key trend boosting the learning outcomes by providing the student with a realistic immersive environment. Meanwhile proliferation in social media sites supports collaborative and peer to peer learning models. Thus, the whole eLearning ecosystem needs to be reoriented. Memorix is our VR and AI powered innovation that integrates emotional triggers and gamification elements in helping students to improve their long-term memory. Memorix app uses a co-creation approach where the student creates unique memory journeys in virtual 3D worlds, making the learning process intrinsically motivating by association, visualization, location and repetition. Moreover, Memorix app uses an AI engine allowing for personalized learning. None of the solution in the market offer a similar approach: co-creation in the front end and intelligence in the back end.
Technically, we validated our scalable & content agnostic product with our users through extensive pilot testing and user interviews. The feedback received enabled us to fine tune our technological development map which will bring Memorix to market as soon as 2021 (and fully launch by 2023). We elaborated the required technical work for a successful market adoption which includes optimization of technical foundations behind our innovation, streamlining content development and enhancing our platform through which the learning is presented to the user. Commercially, we confirmed there is a clear unmet need in educational technology market to tackle underachievement and support students. We will follow an efficient market expansion strategy first focusing on Denmark (our home market) and then to Scandinavia, Northern Europe, and beyond. We will first focus on university students from disciplines that require the high rates of factual data memorization before expanding our offering to other segments.
Our forecast shows that our business model (SaaS) will enable us to achieve €40 million of cumulative net income after 5-years and create over 30 new jobs.
There is a high percentage of early leavers (11% among EU-28) and drop-outs among university students (31% among OECD countries). Academia-related stress is one of the main reasons for university dropout. One major source of stress is that many students have problems with memorizing factual information and complex concepts in their long-term memory and retrieve it at any time. We investigated the effects of using the MEMORIX learning method by comparing it with the widespread standard methods of memorizing without mnemonic aids (memorizing and retrieving 20 words without mnemonic help). We observed that 77% of the participant produced better results by using MEMORIX. The improvers remembered on average 15 words with MEMORIX and 10 without (49% improvement). With >200 million university students around the globe and €315 billion allocated by the EC to reshape the educational system in Europe, Memorix represents a step forward to reduce the 31% tertiary education dropouts.